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dancing with other ppl...acceptable or not?

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do u guys think it's ok to dance with other ppl other than ur S.O? Perhaps I'm putting a double standard, but i think it's slightly more acceptable for girls, just because i think guys just do it cuz they get horny...whereas girls just like to dance...do u guys let ur S.O. dance with other ppl? I'd be ok with it if i were at the party/dance whatever....but if i wasn't...then i'm not so sure!

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Depends what kind of dancing. The more body contact, the less acceptable it is unless it's a formal and stylized type of dancing.

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Agree with Outcast...


Grinding, Gropping, and the dry humpty dance is un-set if it isn't with your SO...


Actually this topic just came up the other night when I was out with my BF, one of his buddies and my Girl... My BF doesn't really like to dance but he likes to watch me dance with my Girl... LOL but his buddy does like to dance and had no one to dance with, so I asked my BF if it would bother him if I danced with his boy... no grinding or anything of that nature.


He was cool with it....

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Oh, it really depends on the circumstances and also on the couple, and who exactly they're dancing with. If my hubby was dancing with his sister at somebody's wedding, I could certainly care less. But I'm the jealouse type :o so, if it's with somebody who's not part of the family, I do not tolerate it. I don't think he would appreciate me dancing with other men either, so we're pretty much even on that one :p So, in other words: no, it's not okay to us.


BUT, I do know some couples who have no problem with it at all. Good for them.

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i think it's slightly more acceptable for girls, just because i think guys just do it cuz they get horny...


Well, my boyfriend is into mosh pits, he'd run for the hills if anyone tried to get him to actually dance.:D I prefer dancing with my girl friends anyway.


Like everyone else has said, I don't think it's an issue at all, unless there's bump and grind dancing going on.

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I Luv the Chariot OH

People who like to mosh can also like to dance (see: I Luv the Chariot OH). Besides, moshing isn't even dancing. It's just running into people and hitting them and falling. And getting punched in the face.

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I used to do salsa, and I have danced with a lot of ladies. So I don't really have a problem with my girlfriend dancing with other guys, even if its kinda dirty.


The tricky part, however, is to gauge the "intentions" from the guys. If some guy sees that the boyfriend (you) lets his girlfriend dance with a stranger, most of the time, the stranger won't take it as a friendly invitation, but something along the line of, "she is easy, and he is too chicken to do anything about it." This, I imagine, is the situation you don't want to get into. If he wasn't so shy about his feelings (so to speak) and my gal was having trouble fending him off, I would step in.


So, I believe, unless it is one of those places where everybody is encouraged to dance with everybody else, it is probably better to keep the dance-sharing to a limited circle of friends.

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Oh this is good question.....

This was actually the cause of my breakup with my ex. If you're interested you can check out "Caught him, should second chances be given"

I wouldn't mind my boyfriend dancing with a girl if:

a. He asked for my concerns and seemed considerate about my feelings

b. If he didn't show any signs of flirting or, as in my case, grinding up on the girl.


Anything more than a conventional dance (ie. grinding, whispering on the ear for a long time, kissing her neck or feeling her up....basically any sexual innuendo) I would not tolerate. THat is so disrespectful of you and your relationship. If I ever did that, it would mean that I wasn't even thinking of my boyfriend, and that I didn't really care much for the relationship....especially if it is in front of you.


So, no I would not agree with this type of behavior....totally unacceptable.

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I always just tell my boyfriend that he will know if he is doing something inappropriate and I expect him to stop... it all depends on how he feels about it and how he thinks I will feel about it... like he KNOWS it would be so over if he had sex with another girl, or kissed her or whatever... but sometimes he will ask me on the phone "is it ok if my friend sho is a girl gives me a massage, my neck is hurting" I tell him I wish we lived in the same city and could see each other during the week so I could do it, but yeah, sure he can... because he knows how he feels about the situation and I trust him not to put himself in a situation where he has "bad" intentions or where a massage is more than just a massage to either of them.... Or like, I have male friends who I have always gone skinny dipping with for years, there is nothing sexual about it and my BF knows this and doesn't mind... however, if I met a random guy at my new college and said, hey, lets go skinny dipping... that would be wierd and impolite to my boyfriend so I don't do it.... So with dancing... often dancing is just dancing, but your SO will know inside themself if it means more to them and then hopefully they wouldn't do it....

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