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I don't want her to be jealous

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Hi all,




I'm happily married and absolutely devoted to my wife. I know I have found my true soulmate and would never do anything to endanger our relationship.




Problem is, I'm a pretty friendly person and quite regularly have a laugh with some of the women where I work, meaning nothing more than that - just getting on well with them - but if I mention this to my wife she gets very jealous. I tend to just not talk about it so much now but how do I make her understand there is no danger of anything bad happening to our relationship?




I don't want to stop being friends with people and I don't want my wife to think there's something going on when there isn't. btw, I don't give her any reason to suspect there is something going on.




Any ideas?

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I'm sure you've already assured your wife of your loyalty. Now, just drop it. Your wife's insecurities are her problem and there's nothing at all you can do except to stop bringing up topics that may cause her to get upset or become jealous.


Your wife has to change, not you. The work is hers to do.

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You're not doing anything wrong at all. I agree with Tony, it's your wife that needs to do the changing.


Print out your post and the replies to it, and show it to her in a few months if she still hasn't realized that she's lucky to be with such a faithful, devoted husband.


Maybe even send her here to post and we can offer her some tips on how to get over her jealousy. :)

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