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I need a place to move and so does he...

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My bf and I have been exclusive for 7 months but only intimate for 2 months. Im 26 with 2 kids at home fulltime and he basically has his kids til 730 every night and every other full weekend. he has 3 children. mine are preschool and 2nd grade. his are k,1st,2nd grade. I live with my mom and i would like to move out and he lives with his brother but his brother cant afford the rent so he wants to have him move out. we saw each other 5 days a week for the first 5 months and 7 days a week for the past 2 months. is it crazy that we are actually thinking about moving in together to make everything easier on all of us...kids included? we are all always together anyway....


I kind of know my answer anyway...but i am curious on your thoughts. I was with my xh for 10 years...divorced for 3 years and this is the first time in 3 years that I have felt like this is where i belong....

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