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i dont even know what to call this but help please

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ok im 16 and a junior in highschool, lately ive been more and more interested in this girl in my grade. im not sure if she knows i like her and i have no idea how she feels. we are friends right now i talk to her whenever i see her during the day because we have no classes together. i want to become more of a boyfriend type figure but i dont want things to get messy and ive never done this before...please help. Also...ive never had a problem with being shy, im actually the opposite but i have nothing to talk about with her other than "whats up." Im sooo lost.

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There's never any guarantees but why not just tell her that you like her and you want to get to know her better. Find out some of the things she's interested in and talk to her about them. I'm sure she'll want to know about things that you're interested in as well.


You are half way there, you're already talking to her, the ice has been broken. Get to know her like you would get to know any other friend and enjoy spending time together.

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If you really want to give yourself some time after telling her, then try telling her at school. You can say something like "listen, I have to go to class now but I really wanted to talk to you. I like you and I want to see if you wanted to *fill in whatever you want to do (have lunch, go to a movie, etc)*".


If she says either yes or no, say "ok, I'm going to class now. Have a good day." Or continue the conversation if she leads you in that direction. It will give you time to regroup.


You will know what to say when the time comes. :)

Good Luck

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