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what does thie email mean??


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I just got this email from the guy i want to go out with. he just recently broke up with his girlfriend...it seems like he doesn't seem to care for me as other than a friend. what do you think??


"I didn't want you to think that I was ignoring you or something. I called tonight, but no one picked up so I left a message. I did want to talk to you the other day but when you caught me wasn't the greatest timing. I for sure do want to hang out with you some more and get to know you better. But like you said yourself (and thank you for understanding) I'm a little battered right now, because I was really badly hurt and I can't even begin to really wrap my head around the concept of dating anyone or getting into a relationship. So if it's cool with you, I'd like to just be your friend and get to know you as a person. Give me a call back when you've got a chance."

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Even though I'm just a 14 year old teen,

I have a reply

The style of his writing is very descriptive, rather guilty in a way.

I think that he is trying to become more friendly before he completely decides to ask you out.

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it's probably just him going thru a hard time... hes probably still in love with her or has feelings for her at least. if you give him some time he'll get over it and start looking for a rebound... if thats what your looking for then its good for you, but it you really like the guy then just be his friend for a while... untill he goes out with some other girl and gets dumped or dumps her, then make your move... although it's not a 100% chance that itll work out this way... i think that this is the best way for you not to be just the rebound girl... because even if he says hes ready for a relationship... you can never really know untill after he starts another one...

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I think he does have feelings for you... More than a friend.


He is probably messed up at the moment, and you are being a good friend by letting him winge to you.


He is very apologetic (sic) in the email. I'd take things as they come, but dont get too involved until he knows wht is going on in his own mind. Be careful he doesn't use you as a rebound.

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i think he likes you and if he wasn't so hurt he would want to date you. but at the moment he needs to take time for himself. he doesn't want to cut you out of his life. maybe after he gets over the ex he will begin to see you in a romantic way.


but then again he may be just keeping you around because he thinks you are a nice person. when i broke up with an ex, i met a guy who was wonderful. i didn't feel any attraction to him so i told him that i was still not over my ex and just wanted to be friends. i got with someone else shortly after.


give us a little more background info on the situation.

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His email shows that he respects you enough to be honest with you. I think he likes you. Why else would he 'bother' explaining his feelings to you? Just give him time, he will come around ;)

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Sorry, but I don't necessarily agree with the majority in this. What MakeMe said sounded like what I was thinking when I read the email. I don't think he's that into you and he's trying to let you down easy. When a guy really likes a girl he'll tell her so and ask her to wait until he's got his head together. He didn't really do that.


I wouldn't hang out with any expectations. If you can't just be his friend then I wouldn't try because I'm pretty sure that's all this will amount to.

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sounds as though he really does just want to be friends. it could develop into more, but even then, unless it is way down the line, like years, it would end up being a rebound relationship.

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When a guy really likes a girl he'll tell her so and ask her to wait until he's got his head together.


Not really... Some guys dont want to put that kind of pressure on girls. It is unfair to them to ask them to wait.


But every situation is different.


I would keep looking around and just see what comes of this in the future.

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