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Need some advice on how to proceed...


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Hi everyone, Hopefully you all can give me some advice on how to proceed with an ex that came back into my life. About a year and a half after breaking up (no contact since) i receive an email telling me how great I was and how she was stupid for breaking up with me and that she wishes things would have happened differently and of course asking if i am dating anyone. I email her back and find out she has been dating some new guy who is unappreciative and treats her poorly and they have recently broken up. We start talking (went great like old times) and make plans to go out on a date. The problem is that I found out when I saw her best friend at work that she went back to that guy today. I would love to be with her again she was always the number 1 of all my ex's....should i wait until things go sour again (they inevitably will) or should i just go for it and ask her out now? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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She agreed to go on a date with you and then does a turn and then goes back to the other guy? Run. Obviously this person is very codependent and is looking to hook up with anyone with a pulse at this point. She broke up with him and right away wants to rebound with you but goes back to him? I know you have strong feelings for her, but codependency is a big red flag. At least consider that before proceeding.

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Oh gosh, she's just using you as a rebound or to have the guy's she's been dating to be jealous. You're the pond in her little game. ~ People are so stupid.

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Run man, run! She doesn't want to be alone and knew you would come crawling back at the snap of her fingers. I'm sure you still have some feelings for her but you shouldn't have trouble telling her "no thanks!"

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