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Assume he is not interested in marriage?

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Simple question really. Been with my guy for 2 + now... I can see him in my life in 50 years... I would marry him but we have not once discussed it in our tenure together... We are older, in our 30's.


Will he ever propose discussion on marriage? I just assume it is something he does not want since he has never made any inclination on it. I for one, will never nor have ever brought it up either. I don't feel it is my place to do so, maybe I am wrong?


It's not like the end of the world that I MUST marry .. nothing like that, I am all for him for him not a ring or a paper etc.


Just curious to what others think and starting to feel that in my relationship we do not communicate on important issues.. It will pass ;)

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ok, I see no one has touched this one...It is a little odd that it has never been brought up if you are that close and that much in love. One would probably think 2 people in love would share thoughts and dreams of the future, or children, or a nest egg...something...

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Why won't you bring it up? What do you mean it's not your place? You have a say in this relationship too you know. Maybe he thinks you are not interested in marriage, since many women would have already brought it up - who knows.


You can work the question, very causually into a conversation if the opportunity comes up. That's how I did it with my boyfriend - actually it's come up twice with us - both times very innocently and in no way was there any pressure.


The first time we were out to dinner, just chatting. He was telling me of a good friend of his, who he used to date. I asked why they broke up and he said she ended it because he didn't want to get married. I then asked if that was true. He told me at some point he would like to (not sure what he's waiting for - he's 49!).


The second time he made a comment that jews never marry out of their faith - since I am jewish I immediately asked what the heck we were doing then if he thought marriage was in no way a possibility (again I was not pressuring him, but why bother if you both want to get married and no way to each other?). His answer was he wasn't speaking about us - just making a gross generalization. Since we were sorta having a heated debate - I of course did not respond to a gross generalization about my people!


If the opportunity never comes up - make it. Tell him your family/friends/coworkers whomever were asking you about your marriage plans since you two were together for 2 years already and you didn't know how to answer them. Say that you are very happy - and really hadn't been thinking about it - but would like to know how he thought you should answer.


Hope this helps.

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I was in the same boat as you, except I was in the relationship for 7 years, I never asked him, because deep down I knew he didn't want to get married, and I didn't want to rock the boat..Well i'm 34 and I do want to have childeren someday and get married, so unfortunatly I had to leave him...He was my best friend and miss him terribly but if 2 people want different things and you can't talk opening about everything the relationship will NEVER work!!


Good luck to you, I know how you are feeling

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Thanks for your replies. I appreciate it.


I've decided that there will evenutally be a time and place for me to bring it up to him, that is, if I ever do. I just feel like if it is something he does not want to talk about, then I sure will not either... Sad to say but why bother? I would love to marry this guy but if there are no intentions on his end, well I don't have to be, but I will find myself being OK with that... Heck, I am free to come and go if I please.. that really sucks to say but it is reality so.


I will give it time, at least that is on my side. Suzette, stinks to even think about it, about leaving to persue what I want in the future.. but I think that is what I am getting at.

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There's nothing wrong with talking about it with him yourself.


Some people just aren't into marriage -- I am not, personally, and would not plan to get married if it wasn't suggested by a woman.

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Really? If you 'were' into marriage you would not bring it up, you would just wait for her to? And not even be a thought if never mentioned? Maybe that is how my guy feels... humm, something for me to think about .. thank you :)

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