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Hi everbody, is ist possible, after dating 1 month, to be in love with somebody...it is possible to talk about love,


or it is just a fake...has this kind of love meaning or it is just a short time to talk about love....???

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Anything is possible, however chances are pretty good you are in love with who you think this person is. It may take you lots more time for him/her to show you his/her all so you can accept or reject the real package.


Another good reason for holding off just a bit on falling in love is because what Shakespeare said was right, love is blind as hell. It's much better to go into a relationship without blinders so you can pay much better attention as the other person reveals more and more about him/herself without that information going through your rose-colored glasses.


The mind cannot tell the difference between that which is real and that which is imagined. The biological reaction to both is essentially the same. So if you have projected all sorts of incredible traits onto this person, then your mind has assumed you did all your homework properly and that those things you are imagining about him/her are true.


Enjoy the feeling but be cautious right now. I know that's hard because the love drugs that swish around in our brain when we are in lust, infatuation or love are powerfully wonderful and we don't want to give up that euphoric feeling.


However, in the longrun, you will be a whole lot better off if you take things slow, get to know many aspects of this person, his/her beliefs, his/her behaviors, his/her lifestyle, etc. so you can fall in love with the total and real person.

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