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Sidelined on facebook?

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I'm in a drama group and everyone gets on well. There's a girl in the group who I'd say likes me and I like her, and we always have a good laugh together, however on facebook she never likes / reacts to any of my posts where as everyone else does. If anyone else in the group posts something, (about drama or not) she's on it like a shot, liking the stuff right away. We're all in a group chat and she rarely replies to me when I need to ask the group a question / arrange a rehearsal etc.

I know this is kinda childish, but to me it seems a bit strange. She will say to me "I saw your post / story on facebook" or things like "I saw you went to that place, how was it?" but will never respond to me online. Even on whatsapp she will only give me one or two word answers - if I ask her something, which is usually about drama. 

We occasionally have social time in a group - drinks etc after class, and we always have a good bit of banter / laugh together. So its  not as if she doesn't like me? 

One time she thought I wasn't staying for drinks after drama class and she got really annoyed when she thought I was leaving! She can be hot n cold at times but usually she's quite social and never passes me without touching my shoulders / giving me a tap on the arm etc.

Just looking for a bit of advice on this? - I asked one of my close pals in the group and he said it sticks out a mile that she doesn't reply / like my posts. (tbh I don't know if it does).

I get that some people don't like stuff for whatever reason, but I just think its odd that I'm being sidelined by her when we get on well in person with banter etc?



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2 minutes ago, Boby said:

 She can be hot n cold at times but usually she's quite social and never passes me without touching my shoulders / giving me a tap on the arm etc.

Try to assess how she is in person with you. Some people just don't place that much weight on social media. Have you considered asking her out one-on-one for a date?

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She may like you more than you understand & stays away from social media, treating you differently because she fears it will telegraph that she likes you & she fears getting hurt if you reject her.  

If you like her too step up your flirting game in person & see what response you get to that.  

If you just want to be friends & peacefully coexist in the group do nothing & ignore the whole situation.  

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Maybe it's just you're noticing it more because you're focusing on it more now that you know you like her.

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Don't use social media as a measure of a person's interest in you. Just put yourself out of your misery by asking her out, (in person, not via a social media message), and you'll find out instantly whether she's interested.  

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It can be useful to take an ambivalent stance at times,

treat them mean and keep them keen so to speak,

My advice is dont give her that power over you that you are bothered whether she likes your posts or not,

If your looking for her attention excessively it only results in stressing yourself.

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mark clemson

Maybe she's not confident to respond/like your posts because she feels it "reveals too much" about her interest in you to others. IF you end up rejecting her romantically, that info becomes more public (and so more embarrassing) as her friends could see she was interested.

The lack of interactions is ALSO a tell to the more socially aware, but that's much more ambiguous.

Overall I think it may be mostly her being cautious with her feelings.

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If you have good interactions when you are together in person, who cares if she is not "liking" your facebook posts?  Honestly, does it matter?

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