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Friend won't stop hitting on my gal

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Hi, folks:


Don't really know what to think of this situation, but I think this is the right place to post.


I will post the short version here. There used to be the three of us (two guys and a girl, and I was one of the guys) and we used to hang out. Then I started going out with the girl, even though the other guy has been showing interest for a while, before we hooked up. Despite your relationship, and his awareness of it, he kept on hitting on her, and sometimes in front of me.


The good thing is that I didn't feel jealous (maybe I did, but I didn't feel any threat of losing her to him). I have discussed with my gal on several occasions about this, and I have faith in her. The only thing is that his over-friendly attitude was getting rather annoying, not to say I find it a little disrepectful on the both of us.


Sometimes I just wanted to give him my two cents, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries. Afterall, we are supposed to be friends. I would like this to stop, but I don't know how. I don't even know if this is something that I should do.

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i would talk to your friend.. tell him that you don't think its appropriate for him to be so "friendly" with her. i think you should tell him exactly what you typed here.. if hes really your friend he would understand and tone it down.. if he isn't then its better for you not to hang out with him anymore... i had this exact problem... well not exact it was kinda worse...... and well i didn't do anything about it and it ended up pretty damn bad... i regret it... but nothing i can do now

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He is the one overstepping boundries... He is making sure if you and your GF ever break up she'll go to him for support.


Talk to him and say exactly what is on your mind.

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friendships come and go. who would you rather

lose if you were to lose someone, your new love?

or this dude?


TELL HIM TO STEP OFF. it sucks because, i can almost

assure you (even though i don't know what this guy is like)

that he'll get defensive about and probably get pissed off.

I mean, he's already being disrespectful, when he knows

you and this gal have a thing, so he doesn't repsect you.


it's exactly like mini696 said, he's probably trying to

stay in the loop, should something happen between you

and this girl, so he can swoop right in. I wouldn't be shocked

if he's already trying to move in and get between the two of

you...he digs her, right? I don't care how NON-Jealous you are,

and how much security you have, tell him to back off on the

hitting on her, that's your girl, man...come on..

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You need to have the bros before hos talk with your friend. This kind of crap would never happen with my friends because we have respect for each other and no woman is worth our friendship. Your friend will have more respect for you if you confront him on this verses trying to side step it or avoid it. You need to call him out and set things right.

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