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How do I move on from my crush?

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I'm in my early twenties and never been in a relationship so every time I'm in an even remotely romantic situation or I have a crush I become extremely delusional. I am part of an association and we have a new member recently. He's nice, good-looking and I kinda developed a crush on him, but I know he's dating someone. I cannot help overthinking everything he says or does. For example, he told me multiple times how nice of a person he thinks I am, that anybody who ends up marrying me is lucky, that he'd like his future children to be like me. He also always comes to hug me, I catch him looking at me, he once fed me cake while I was washing dishes and seems interested in what I think about stuff. I am sure he really means nothing more than friendship by all this, but every time I just keep thinking about all these things. I know he's dating someone so I don't want to allow myself to think about these things, because when we first met and he was single I really did not encourage these behaviours because I'm very insecure and scared. I know I basically shut him down despite maybe wanting this to happen, so how do I move on and forget about him? 

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Since you know he has a SO, you are right to move on.  

Don't engage with him so much.  Keep discussions professional, limited to topics having to do the association. 

Find somebody else to focus on.  

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3 hours ago, Lou03 said:

I'm in my early twenties and never been in a relationship. I know he's dating someone.   how do I move on and forget about him? 

Sorry this is happening. It's ok to have a crush but he has a GF so this isn't a viable situation to pursue. 

Please get a good profile and pics on quality paid dating apps and start talking to and meeting available interested single men.  Even if it's just getting practice talking to men and meeting for a coffee or drink. 

Please also consider joining some other groups and clubs, volunteering, getting involved in sports and fitness taking some classes and courses and broadening your social horizons.

This way you could have fun doing new things with like-minded people and make friends and talk to more men. 

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