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I like this guy, he is really sweet, where together most of the time. he cooked me dinner...I think about him all day long, and i get this feeling in my stomach and it won't go away...What can i do for the feeling? and second it's been like almost a months since we have started talking and i don't know what we are doing? do you think we are together, i'm scared to ask him..help

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I like this guy, he is really sweet, where together most of the time. he cooked me dinner...I think about him all day long, and i get this feeling in my stomach and it won't go away...What can i do for the feeling?

well Thats nice of him to cook you dinner:) for that feeling in your stamach im not sure what you mean by that ,I guess you can drink ginger ale for that or take pepto.


and second it's been like

almost a months since we have started talking and i don't know what we are doing? do you think we are together, i'm scared to ask him..help

Well if I were you,I mean id ask him whats going on. You dont want to sit around wasting your time for anyone thats not going to call you,see you,etc.Hope my advise has helped you and have a nice day.!:)

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Absolutely ask him. What have you got to lose. You don't know until you do and he might be just as intimidated to be the first to ask you. I don't think you'd have a nice dinner made for you by someone who doesn't like you. I'm not exactly sure of what your feeling but it sounds like excitment. Your interested in this sweet guy and it's new and interesting. You wanna know what you do for that? You enjoy it! Relax a bit, don't pressure yourself, and just see how things go.

I like this guy, he is really sweet, where together most of the time. he cooked me dinner...I think about him all day long, and i get this feeling in my stomach and it won't go away...What can i do for the feeling? and second it's been like almost a months since we have started talking and i don't know what we are doing? do you think we are together, i'm scared to ask him..help
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i hope the feeling in your stomach is due to a case of the butterflies, and not his cooking!!


i really think you ought to talk to him. you both sound pretty keen, and as little d said, he wouldn't cook you a meal if he wasn't interested! guys don't just cook for anyone, you know!! just ask him where he thinks your relationship is heading. you don't want to just sit around racking your brains about this. don't put any pressure on him, let him know you are interested and find out what his response is. good luck!

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