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Cocky Boyfriend Problems

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I'll keep this short & simple. My boyfriend treats me like crap when I tell him he is being rude to me and we need to fix our problems to have a healthy relationship..and when i'm hurt, he doesn't care. He only cares about himself lately. We've been together over a year and things have been wonderful up until like the last 3 weeks or so. How can I deal with this? He seems to always put himself first, rather than me. I've told him that he's being disrespectful and uncaring and he SAYS he cares about me but then he'll be like " just chill out. You make a big deal out of every little rude comment"..but he doesnt' show it. He's a complete jerk lately. So tell me- what should I do in this situation?

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That should be pretty obvious.


You're unhappy.

He's unwilling to fix it.

People don't change.


There is no relationship here people, move along.

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Wait a minute, if you have almost a whole year of prior good behavior then give him the benefit of the doubt... at least for a little while... try to talk to him about it sometime when he hasn't just done something rude so he doesn't feel attacked... just be straightforward but gentle about it... three weeks is kind of a long time but maybe he is just going through something right now... we all go into little funks and depressions now and then...


If he continues to act this way even after you talk about it, or maybe if you realize that he has always been this way and you are just now noticing it then yeah, the relationship should probably end... but try to work with him first...

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I'll keep this short & simple. My boyfriend treats me like crap when I tell him he is being rude to me and we need to fix our problems to have a healthy relationship..and when i'm hurt, he doesn't care. He only cares about himself lately. We've been together over a year and things have been wonderful up until like the last 3 weeks or so. How can I deal with this? He seems to always put himself first, rather than me. I've told him that he's being disrespectful and uncaring and he SAYS he cares about me but then he'll be like " just chill out. You make a big deal out of every little rude comment"..but he doesnt' show it. He's a complete jerk lately. So tell me- what should I do in this situation?


He sounds like a inconsiderate a$$ and you deserve better!!! Run as fast as you can and find someone deserving of you!! Good luck

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Why all of a sudden is he being rude to you?! If things were going great, then in the past three weeks something must have triggered him or hurt him or caused him to be so rude and to be such an ass.


Or there really isn't a cause or a problem with besides that he's just being an ass therefore, dump him. :D

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