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Get the sparks back

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Hey fellas me again this particular girl I like I think she likes me and she knows I like her because when I told her she said you don't act like it. Then she said well we are just friends and I just said ya I know. I think she likes me and is just playing hard to get or is scared and I don't want ot be annoying and be like do you like me and I hate calling girls when they know I like them because they have the upper hand is there anyway I could get her to start calling me?? She has my number I want to raise her interest level any suggestions.

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if you want to raise her interest in you, let her think it doesnt make much difference to you either way, you dont neeed her, you could have any girl and you have a great time if she is around or not.

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yea i was thinking that i hung out with her today and she was liek if i dont hango ut with allison ill call you to hangout so i think if she calls ill just be like im hanging out with so and so and actually do it to get her more interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking as a girl ignoring her won't work and neither will blowing her off. It'll piss her off and she'll be like **** you whatever. She'll move on to a nice guy who actually wants to hang out with her.

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I don't totally agree with brunette. Sometimes it really does annoy a girl who has a low interest level and she may well just write you off. However, if you make a decision to move on in your mind, not to play games but to live your life, you may be surprised at the response. This mean not making her the center of your world and living for when she calls. It also means seeing other girls. If she has any interest in you at all, it will be heightened when you move away. It's the push pull affect. The problem is most people try to play games and force it. It's easy to see through and it makes you look bad when the girl has a low interest level. It may work better with someone who has a higher interest level, but I can tell you it's not a good idea either way. She'll retaliate at some point sooner or later.


That being said, you have to move on, stop waiting for her, and stop giving her so much attention. Don't flaunt other girls in front of her to make her jealous, but don't run away from them either. Move in a forward direction away from her. Sorry, but I think that's your only chance. And the only way to be convincing is to really forget about her.

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Well what she just said to me recently is making me move on bcause I'm not a big fan of her anymore bc I told her how I felt and she said she wanted to be just frinds I was very very upset and angry but I just said ok thats fine with me and I just agreed with her but right when I had to go she said I love you. I just said later so it's like shes playing games again. Just 10 minutes ago she imed me and said **** you, you gave me mono! She has mono and has been out for awhile. I have never had mono and she hooked up with 2 other guys so I told her maybe you got it from them and she got even more angry so I just said hope you feel better I gotta go. Tell me what you guys think.. I'm really annoyed with her right now..

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yea I have been nice to her but I dont call her or Im her she has imed me past 2 nights and apologized, but I still dont know what to do, some people say if I play games it will drive her away, yet if I call her it iwll drive her away to what to do...

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