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Confused and Hurt

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Dear all..


I have met the most wonderful woman in my life, and i fel that i am losng her. She can act very hot and cold at times. See, she is leaveing Sydney (where I live) soon and going back to her country.


We met 3 months ago, and when i met her, i knew she was the right one for me. I was too proud to admit that i loved her and now that i am ready to say it, it may bee too late. She knows i love her, but i have neve said it to her face, just hinted at it.


She wants to break up because she is leaving soon and doesnt want to hurt both us when the real time cones to part. I dont want to give upo hope on us, and just last week we were getting things back on track and now all of a sudden it feels that she is acting distant again.


I KNOW she loves me and my feelings for her are true. I just dont know, what to do. I dont want to lose her, and i dont want to give up hope, but if she acting hot and cold like this, what do i do? I love her very much..


I am soo confused.. :((...

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