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What makes ppl answer a question with another question!

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I have this friend at work i know for some time ,

every time I ask a question the answer is another question !

Is it normal ?

usually when I am asked a question the answer is an answer : yes,no,anything ; nowadays I meet a lot of ppl who answers a question with a question!

I am puzzled:) 

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Is this a question?🙃

I think it just means that your friend is trying to get more information or clarification before giving a direct answer. 

Edited by Alpacalia
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6 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

It's a polite way to sidestep a question they may not want to answer. 

This!  They are deflecting a question which they don't want to answer.   Who is this person? Can you give examples of the kinds of question they deflect like this?





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