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my situation, what's ur opinion?

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during high school (grade 7-10) i went to school with this girl. she was one of those girls that was quiet, was good in school, and from the way i saw it, her and her friends were the quiet ones. well as for my, me and my friends had a bit of a rep. of being the so called 'druggies' of our grade. but we were good people, got along with everyone. after high school i went to the same college as her (grade 11-12) and my locker was near hers. for some reason, even though we hadn't talked in high school, we started talking pretty much each time we were at our lockers. any way, after a while, i got the nerve up to ask her out to a movie. at this point, i was clean, didn't smoke anything anymore, something i am proud of. (this was 2 yrs ago). i don't know if she knows that or knows that now, but what she said was that would be fun and would get back to me about it. she didn't mention in over the next couple of weeks, so i brought it up, and she just dodged it and that was pretty much that, even though she never said yes or no. her friend told me i was probably because she wasn't intreasted in a boyfriend then, but i had a feeling it was because of my rep. in high school, even though those days r gone. anyway, that was @ the end of the year and i didn't go back to yr. 12. i got an apprenticeship as an electrician. i know that she's doing something in the child care area, i know that because i have spoken breifly to her a few times over the last couple of years. i know that i will see her in a couple of week's time because my brother/her sister are having their leaver's dinner for yr. 10 at the high school we went to and i am bound to see her there at the arrivials. she has always been in the back of my mind as a person that i would really like to get to know, and see if anything could happen. i'm hoping to talk to her and if things go right, ask her out for a coffee or a milkshake, something simple, just to talk to her. that's the story anyway, sorry for the lenght. but if anyone has any opinions, tips or advice on the situation or how i can go about talking to her this time and asking her out it would be appreciated.

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