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Valentine's Day and what I got


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We celebrated Valentine's Day a few days later as it was on a Wednesday and we both had other things going on.  I am a stage manager and I had play rehearsals that day, but came home to find he had left a rose and a box of candy on my kitchen table.  We officially celebrated it on Saturday.  I gave him a giant plush octopus because that's our "sign", and a card with a Groupon inside for a hot stone massage.  He was happy, he'd never had one.  He gave me a box with a preserved rose inside and a drawer - I opened the drawer and found a note inside.  It says "From our serendipitous meeting on Facebook to our first date at (restaurant) when you were disappointed that I wasn't the chicken man, to the time I threw octopus at you at (restaurant) to our first kiss at your place to the first time we were one at my place to our first fight over the movie Tusk to all of the subsequent kisses, snuggles and don't forget the laughs I love you more everyday.  And under that note was a necklace with a heard on it, take a flashlight and shine it through the gem in the middle and it says "I love you" in every language.

That's wonderful isn't it? 

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