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How to lose your gut?

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Hey there... hoping for some tips from the wise sages at LS.


I'm 33, working on getting in shape. I've never really been in shape before -- my goal is now to be somewhat toned. Been working out quite a bit lately.


However, I'm looking for some advice to specifically target my gut/abs. I'm far from obese, but I've always had a bit of a gut. (It's small enough that I've become quite adept at sucking it in and making it disappear under clothes, if that gives you an idea.)


What's the best way to get rid of it? Fat burning? Tightening through ab exercises? A combination as part of an overall regimen? What are the best exercises to use? How many reps? How often? What kind of cardio is best for fat loss? How much and how often? What about diet?


You know... all the big questions. Thanks everybody!

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Cut down your carbs and lay off the beer too...Exercise by doing situps and using your stomach muscles to get rid of the gut. My hubby is in good shape but has some pudge there, it bothers him more than he lets on. He also walks and I'm trying (trying being the operative word here!) to get him to do some yoga. That is a great workout when done properly.


Not sure how to answer the rest of your questions, but I can ask my bro-in- law. He's recently joined a gym and has a personal trainer.

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The only thing that will get rid of your gut in the short term is your diet and cardio.kEEP IT HIGH PROTEIN/fibrous carbs watch your starchy carb intake and make sure you have good fats in your diet eg flaxseed oil,fish oil,omega 3 6 9 you need fat to lose fat.

Do cardio on an empty stomach in the morning or right after you weight train this will be the best times where the body will use fat as its main fuel source instead of stored carbohydrates(glycogen).Start lifting weights, stomach crunches will tone up the abs but you will never see them under layers of body fat so you have to shed fat to see the abs,plus you cannot spot reduce an area the body will lose fat from wherever it wants not just in the stomach because you do sit-ups.It's a commitment and depending on your body fat % it will not be over night chances are it took a long time to accumulate on you so it won't disappear overnight, but it won't take as long as you think if you are dedicated and stick to it.Good luck

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You cannot target fat in a specific area ( abs ). When your body burns fat it does not get it from one area. You have to lower your total body fat levels to reduce the gut. Doing sit-ups will strengthen the muscles in that area but it will not reduce the fat. It takes a good diet and cardio.

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While you cannot 'spot reduce' the abs, you sure can tone up the muscles that go saggy with lack of use (i.e. sitting all the time). Don't just exercise the abs, though. You need to focus on the core; if your back muscles are weak, your gut will sag. And don't forget posture - it's amazing how much better you can look by just making sure your spine's in line.

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