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NC...easy to understand...hard to apply !


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I'd like to have some point of views and advices and most particularly from girls !


I am a guy, my 13 months-girlfriend broke up with me about a week ago. The reasons were pretty NON-original. In a nutshell:

Need her space, feel sufocated by the relationship

Don't feel the same about us

She is not sure our relationship is going somewhere due to differences (do you need 13 months to figure out differences???)


Anyway, now, she keeps text messaging me to make sure I am ok and to tell me she is not sure I am ok for her to call me but she understand. Then it was an invitation to go for a diner +cinema. Then, other random reasons but this time, the message would end with a "bla bla bla, Love, Me XOX" (I enjoy analysing words !!!!) or "blabla bla baby xox". I try to reply a day later and always in a neutral way but I am really lost and wonder what she might be thinking. I also wonder how to clearly apply the NC in this situation.



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She loves you...she loves you not. Games - that's what she's doing. Tell her that she's either your g/f or she's not, and if not, leave you alone.

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It's difficult to do NC at first, but if you stay with it, you will feel better and heal! It sounds like you ex is playing games and is feeling guilty that she dumped you.

Right now you need to gain some control of your life and move forward!

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