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Can someone please answer me why I get so upset & sick to my stomach every time my boyfriend goes out with his friends. He has never done anything for me not to trust him. I don't know if part of me feels betrayed like he'd rather go with them than me, even though he doesn't even go out with them that much. Part of me wonders what he's doing, Does him going out with his friends help our relationship & also how can I get past feeling this way?

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You are pathologically insecure. A good therapist can help you with this issue or you can read books on building self esteem.


Going out with his friends is not related to his relationship with you. Obviously, if going out with his friends is making you sick it's not doing much good in that department.


Now, if he was in a relationship with most other women, yes...being with his friends would round out his life and fill in the gaps. It is extremely unhealthy for someone to rely solely on their mate for social interaction to the elination of contact with friends. If you have no friends, you better make some real quick.


Can you get past your feelings? I certainly hope so. Get professional help. It sounds like you've got a bad case. Your guy, as any other human, doesn't need to have a mate who gets so uneasy about him being with his friends...especially when, as you say, it's not all that often. I've seen posts here where guys spend MOST of their time with their buddies. You got it real good, lady!!!

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I agree with Tony. You are feeling insecure, but you need to work this out with yourself. Do you ever go out with his friends with him? If not, maybe that will help with to see what he's doing. Tell him you'd like to be part of that. If you're going to be together, he should want you to come along too. Or maybe when he's going out with his friends, you should get together with yours to keep your mind off it. Good luck.

Can someone please answer me why I get so upset & sick to my stomach every time my boyfriend goes out with his friends. He has never done anything for me not to trust him. I don't know if part of me feels betrayed like he'd rather go with them than me, even though he doesn't even go out with them that much. Part of me wonders what he's doing, Does him going out with his friends help our relationship & also how can I get past feeling this way?
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I do go out with my friends when he goes out with his, but I guess I'm just wondering why I feel this way when I'm away from him. It is such an empty feeling. Almost a feeling of being alone. I have always considered myself to be a strong person. But just the mere thought of him being out & about sickens me. I sit back & think I DO trust him I just don't know what it is. I don't want to feel like this when we are apart. I just don't know how to fix it. I agree with Tony. You are feeling insecure, but you need to work this out with yourself. Do you ever go out with his friends with him? If not, maybe that will help with to see what he's doing. Tell him you'd like to be part of that. If you're going to be together, he should want you to come along too. Or maybe when he's going out with his friends, you should get together with yours to keep your mind off it. Good luck.


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So do you go out with him when he goes with his friends? I don't think you do. Why not try it one night just to maybe help you know what's going on when you're not there. Or talk to a therapist if you think it's that bad. good luck.

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