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Need of advice


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Hello all,


I have been reading threads in this forum, and I like it very much. It is my turn to ask for what you guys think about my story ;)


Two years ago I was with a girl for three months. We had a very intense relationship. It was her first: she never had a relationship with a guy before and she had been vergin till we met. She was in her early twenties then. She liked very much the fact that I was very devout to her. We had very strong feelings for each other, and we always had a great time. I was her first love.


She was two years younger then I was, and very inexperienced. She freaked out and broke up with me. She still wanted to be my friend. It did not work out, and I called it off.


Last month, and out of the blue, she sent me an email. It has been about two years. She said that she wanted to find out what I was up to.

I answered her as politely as usual, telling her what I was up to. Then I asked her to call her, and she said she would prefer if I did not. She is VERY shy, and I am sure she did not want to make things awkward. I sent her an email saying that it was ok, and that I completely understand.


I do still care very much about her.

What do you think is the best way for me to proceed now? What do you think could be the reason she contacted me in the first place?


Any feedback would be very appreciated!

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All exes get curious at some point. And when a relationship doesn't end on such a bad note, they will always get the urge to contact you at some point down the road. You told her what you're up to and that's it. She has no further interest in contacting you right now. Go on with your life as you were before she contacted you.

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