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to lauryn, oliver, patty, tony, and little d

burnt heart

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burnt heart

i want to thank all of you for responding to my post. all of you have such excellent points. the truth is, i have not been pulling my weight like i should partly because of what little d said about feeling put down and not wanting to contribute when i feel put down. but then maybe too if i did contribute more he would not put me down. i guess i'm in a catch 22. also oliver has made several good points, as maybe no matter what i do he will find something to bxtch about.


he has as much as admitted that he lets things build up and "needs to work on that" like today he found out that i had to let my car insurance go for a month and they cancelled me. he knows i work but some times not enough and not by choice either. he knows i try financially and was livid when he found out that i was driving around uninsured so he gives me his credit card and tells me to put 3-6 months of insurance on his card. then he calls me and tells me to come to his work to pick up a battery for the cordless phone at home, when i get there he hands me $100.00 in 20's.


i told him i did not want it, i didn't want to take his money, he said his money is our money and to take it! i asked him what he wants me to with it, pay bills or what? he said do whatever you want to with it. so i put it away for an emergency. so how can i be mad now? i was so ready to leave him, but then he treats me so nice after getting so mad that it just confuses me more.


i will try the cat box thing tho, i think maybe the old cat box does need to be replaced cause it is very dirty and stained. i will buy two of them also, and thank you laurynn for that idea, i just hope the enviromental protecion agency don't fine you $1,000 a day tho, lol.


thank you again all of you have been so very helpful.

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Just on my way out the door here, thought I'd respond quickly.


Take that $100 he gave you and go buy 2 new litterboxes and some litter LOL


Yes, new studies (not sure who DOES these studies lol) show that a plastic litterbox should be replaced every 6 months...because as clean as a person keeps them, they are still PLASTIC, and bacteria/odors get into the plastic.....they then become a breeding ground for germs, odors and put cats at increased risk for Urinary Tract Infections.


After you've bought the new ones, prior to pouring in the NEW litter, sprinkle a little bit of Baking Soda in the bottom of the pan.....good for odors, too.


AND....pee often sinks to the bottom of even scoopable litter, because people often don't put ENOUGH in the litterbox. I put a good 4 inches high of litter in each box.......this makes a huge difference.....the pee never has a chance (rarely) to settle to the bottom before clumping.


And whatever you do, don't use Lysol products IN the box.....the ingredients in same can be very toxic to cats. A really good, safe cleanser for cleaning out litterboxes (once every couple of months, you should totally toss out the litter and scrub out the box, then replace with fresh stuff) is VINEGAR and WATER......


If you have a WalMart near you, get the litter and boxes there.....great prices.



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i want to thank all of you for responding to my post. all of you have such excellent points. the truth is, i have not been pulling my weight like i should partly because of what little d said about feeling put down and not wanting to contribute when i feel put down. but then maybe too if i did contribute more he would not put me down. i guess i'm in a catch 22. also oliver has made several good points, as maybe no matter what i do he will find something to bxtch about.


he has as much as admitted that he lets things build up and "needs to work on that" like today he found out that i had to let my car insurance go for a month and they cancelled me. he knows i work but some times not enough and not by choice either. he knows i try financially and was livid when he found out that i was driving around uninsured so he gives me his credit card and tells me to put 3-6 months of insurance on his card. then he calls me and tells me to come to his work to pick up a battery for the cordless phone at home, when i get there he hands me $100.00 in 20's. i told him i did not want it, i didn't want to take his money, he said his money is our money and to take it! i asked him what he wants me to with it, pay bills or what? he said do whatever you want to with it. so i put it away for an emergency. so how can i be mad now? i was so ready to leave him, but then he treats me so nice after getting so mad that it just confuses me more. i will try the cat box thing tho, i think maybe the old cat box does need to be replaced cause it is very dirty and stained. i will buy two of them also, and thank you laurynn for that idea, i just hope the enviromental protecion agency don't fine you $1,000 a day tho, lol. thank you again all of you have been so very helpful.


Hi burnt heart.You sound much better! you welcome anytime!

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