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I don't see you that way?


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This is the story


This girl I have known for a while and have been taken out too shows more than a few times (she always says yes when I ask her) turns up to my party by (a little later when everyone thought she wasn't coming) and she told me how ****ty her day was etc...and I told her to sit down and tell me all about it and she did.


Then she came out with a group of us and told me after I told her that she looked really beautiful that "I don't see you that way"...but first it was about that I was a bit too older for her...and during all this she was playing with her hair and brushing it back a lot.


She also got all wierd and jealous when a friends girl was holding my hand and bieng a funny drunk (we are close friends for the record).


Why did she act all jealous around my friend?, I mean she gave me the cold shoulder and I asked if she was alright and she said "what do you care?" and then I asked what is wrong and she said "Nothing" about 4 times and then when I was looking at her she turned to me and said "Don't."...not only that I had my arm around her a few times and would touch her hands now and then when she was talking too me abnd I don't think she minded...I never forced myself on her either.


I'm not sure what to do here, I know that I just want to cut off all contact with her because I hate being friends with girls I am attracted to!


NO guy likes this...It eats you up inside when she hooks up with other dudes and you are always thinking about how fantastic she is.



anyways should I just move on?

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