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I have been on Alesse, the fairly new low-estrogen birth control pill for a week now. Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with this form of b.c.? Other higher dose pills gave me migraines, when I tried to take the pill before (5-6 years ago)


Also, does anyone know how long you need to take it until it is effective for contraception? When my dr. prescribed it, he told me to take it for a full month before I stopped using a back-up method. But the instruc. pamphlet in the box says it's effective right away, but if you like you can use a back-up method for the 1st 7 days until you get used to taking a pill every day. Why the discrepancy? Thanks....

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Also, does anyone know how long you need

to take it until it is effective for contraception? When my dr. prescribed it, he told me to take it for a full month before I stopped using a back-up method. But the instruc. pamphlet in the box says it's effective right away, but if you like you can use a back-up method for the 1st 7 days until you get used to taking a pill every day. Why the discrepancy? Thanks....

You should ask your physician these types of questions. He knows you and your medical history, and is the only one that can give you the most accurate information you need.

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Hi there..I'm not only someone who's used various oral contraceptives in the past/someone who's always been mortified of getting pregnant (LOL), I'm also an RN.


To really be safe, you SHOULD take the entire first month of Alesse ALSO using a backup method: condom, condom w/ spermicide, spermidical foam, etc. My vote would be on the condom w/ Nonoxynyl-9 (spermicide).


I once had a doc tell me that after the first 7 days of a new pack (I'd been off the pill for a couple years, then went back on), I'd be "safe" to have sex without using another method as well. I didn't want to take any chances, so I called up a Pharmacist.......they told me to BE ON THE SAFE SIDE and use another method.....for the entire first pack of the pills....then once I got my period and started the second pack, then I'd be 'safe'....


I think with lower-dose Oral Contraceptives, you don't want to take any chances.....it's just not worth it.


Also, they say you should take it at the SAME TIME EACH DAY (give or take an hour)......so really try to keep it as close to the same time each day, very important.


And keep in mind, a lot of different antibiotics decrease the effectiveness of the Pill.....so if you're ever on them, keep that in mind and most definitely use another method of birth control until you're finished that pack, to be safe.



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