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Finally after eight years...

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Just want to toot my own horn a little, and also to let others know that with a lot of hard work your goals will be acomplished....


Yesterday I completed my last final exam! I have been going to night school full time in addition to working full time. My schedule was to get up at 6am to work out, then to work by nine am and then to class at 6pm. The day ended at 11pm just enough time to sleep to get up and do it all over again...well, after working my ass off like this for a year and a half I am done done done done done done......I am celebrating with a pint of Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Chocolate Chip and having sushi later tonight before going to dancedancedance! I am so happy to be finished with that part of my life! It took me almost eight years to get my undergraduate degree b/c I have been working my way through. But I did it!


Anyone struggling...keep going b/c you will acomplish what you set out to do.


Be the change you want to see in the world.....CinSi

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Wow...that's pretty amazing, I'm glad to hear you made it through and hung in there!


What's your secret?? What kept you motivated through all that hard work?


Btw, what did you get a degree in?


Congrats again, and thanks for sharing.

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woohoooooooo! CONGRATULATIONS!! Wow...that's pretty amazing, I'm glad to hear you made it through and hung in there!


Thank you! :)

What's your secret??


There is no secret, Just decided to go for it and stuck it out. My friends and b/f have all been very supportive which did help me make it through.

What kept you motivated through all that hard work?
Knowing that it would be over soon! Also the fact that it is my money and not parents paying for school helped too!
Btw, what did you get a degree in?
Business Management, but I have recently realized that Real Estate is my field. So it looks like I will be going to school for a real estate license in a few months. (I currently work with apartments, which does not require a license)
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