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Girls, Please give me some advice

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Hi Girls,

Basically there is a girl I have liked for a long time, however she was seeing someone else and now she has broke up with him for about 3 weeks now I just found out from a friends. We get on great together, we go out a lot and have a great time but was put off from asking her as she was dating this other guy at the time. Do you think I tell her that I like her or do I take her out with some friends and see how she responds on the night?

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ok well i would go with takeing her out with your friends and see how she reacts to you. you never know what could happen. call her after the night of fun and see how she enjoyed it, maybe you could end up in conversation for a while! tell us how it goes.:D

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I agree with michelle... Ask her out, but dont stress anything to do with it being a date. Dont come on too strong, but focus as much attention onto her as possible. Even if one of your other friends asks you a question, keep directing your answer over to her.


Since you have been out with your friends and her before, maybe its time to take her for a coffee by herself (or milkshake depending on your age).

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went out for dinner with her the other night then she wanted to go on the manchester wheel (similar to the london eye). Tried to make my move and she responded well, i.e. she was cuddling up when i put my arm round her etc. Wanted to try and kiss her but it didn't happen as I didnt really try.


What was strange was that she was fine with me until we met up with her friends at a club. At that point she just spent time with her friend from work and I felt quite ignored to be honest.


I'm really confused as to whether I have a chance with her at all as I have been getting mixed signals. I'm thinking of leaving it for a while now until she next calls me/ texts me, as she did say she wants a night out this week where everyone will be there. (probably not the best thing who knows).


What do you think I do?

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I'm really confused as to whether I have a chance with her at all as I have been getting mixed signals. I'm thinking of leaving it for a while now until she next calls me/ texts me, as she did say she wants a night out this week where everyone will be there. (probably not the best thing who knows).


What do you think I do?


To get a really good instinct about what you should do, you need to step outside the situation as much as you possibly can...then figure out what your you would be thinking if it weren't you in this situation but someone else you know.


You want this girl, and our desires tend to get muddled up with our instincts. Make them less clear. People often say "follow your heart" - but that can be quite crap advice at times. The heart will just tell you to go after what it wants, however unfeasible that might be. Instincts take the heart's desire into account, but they also have a better grasp of prevailing circumstances and reality.


So, trying to step outside of the situation and forgetting about just how much you might want this girl....do your instincts say she's ready to get into a relationship yet, and enthusiastic about getting together again as soon as possible? Or do they tell you to hold off for a bit?

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What was strange was that she was fine with me until we met up with her friends at a club. At that point she just spent time with her friend from work and I felt quite ignored to be honest.
Thats quite normal.
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Quote : 'do your instincts say she's ready to get into a relationship yet, and enthusiastic about getting together again as soon as possible? Or do they tell you to hold off for a bit?'


To be very honest, I am not sure. I think she has got over him, as it wasn't really that serious (as they were only really going out for amonth'. A few weeks ago, she did say it wasn't a mutual breakup (as he broke up with her (on more than one occasion!) so she tells me). She said they didnt have anthing in common and that was quite obvious to see really. To be fair the breakup didnt really surprise me. They were just too different.


I was thinking of making the effort to take her to a really nice place for dinner and a few drinks, and just tell her that I like her more than just a friend. I will also tell her that if she doesnt feel the same way then we will always be good friends as we are now and that things will not become awkward.


I have no idea what she is gonna say but have a bad feeling that it could be no. (typical me really).

I mean, I have been going out with her so much lately (just the two of us) and her good friend did tell my friend that 'things are bound to happen' between us in her words. (giving me a bit of hope).


Girls, I could really do with some advise as to whether I should just go for it and see what happens.

Thanks a lot.

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