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Best Friend, Love, What else?


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So my best friend breaks up with her boyfriend several days ago, just before his 21st birthday...


as for us...


We spend almost all our free time together.


We slept together today, nothing sexual mind you, just a good snuggling/nap in her bed.


We both love eachother deeply, but are not "in love"


She makes lot's of sexual enuendos towards me, in a joking style though.

We share everthing, and are vary open with eachother.


She send lots of strong singnals to me, but sometimes she will pull away for no reason.


we talked about starting a more romantic relationship in the past, but she determined we should just be good friends. This was fine with me.


However, i get a bit jealous when other guys come around, and i realized i might have feelings for her.


What might this girl be thinking?

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