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Administrativa: Recent site downtimes


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Hello all!


Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that whilst sunning in the warm surf of the North Atlantic, isolated from the virtual world and purposely not dragging along my laptop, that our current network provider is experiencing serious unexpected downtime with various systems that have left e-mail and and the web site inaccessible throughout the last few days. They are currently working with me to get the problem solved as quickly as possible and I will be personally ensuring that everything is operating smoothly at the facility.


We are desperately seeking out a permanent resolution to these sorts of problems that have been occuring on the site and that have been hindering us from rolling out the new forum system. We now expect that the next revision of the site will be on-line within the next 60-days.


I, as always, thank you for your patience and for all the constructive comments I've received from you regarding the site. I will post updates as they become available to me.


Best wishes,



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