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Is my hubby cheating????

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I'm gutted, hurt, feel empty. I can understand why some girls become lesbian!!!!! Just got to bide my time now and organise for freedom

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Sorry to hear that he done that not even being cold in the ground!! How do you know he wasn't already cheating on her and he figured what it mattered she was dead some men are like that !! As for turning on men that shouldn't be decided by this one bad realtionship !! Maybe he is a cheater and always will be!!! How did you find out he slept with someone 2wks after his wife death?

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He works with the girl he cheated with?? There is your answer honey. He dipped it once there he'll do it again!


Couldn't have said it better Mz Pixie he will do it again !! How does she know this "Mark character isn't her!!!

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god! truth is stranger than fiction sometimes! so sorry to hear about your scary husband, please hang in there Meg Gem. Some men really suck, onwards and upwards honey! You sound really isolated where you are though and not too happy with it, ever thought about moving?Try to think of the ideal life that you would wish for, then follow it, with or without guy in toe. Irony is though, that if you do that you'll probably find a really decent guy in the process. My heart goes out to you, be strong.

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