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girl hasn't been honest

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Long post but i will shorten it up alot. met a girl online, the first day we talk on there we talk on cam and decide to meet up later for drinks to talk in person. Long story short she and I don't meet cause of being busy. The rest of that week she continues to make plans on meeting me and I keep getting stood up. Then spur of the moment we hangout hit it off well. basically we hit it off and hangout a coupel more times on and off inbetween her standing me up. She gets all sad and explains its because her mom dying one year previous to that week. and she had a miscarriage and the baby woudl be 1 that week as well. She and her family dont get along basically she seems like she has some baggage, and her Ex Fiance cheated on her for years soo now shes single and angery.. I excuse some of her behavior and then 4 weeks pass. So we have been seeing each other for about 4 weeks.


We hangout another time and this time she stays the night we hit it off great and we have sex a couple times. This happens on this past Friday night (sex was great adn she couldnt stop cuddling and holding on to me and saying how much we are a good match for each other) and saturday morning she leaves and says she will be back in an hour to pick me up for U of M college football game she has tickets to. I wait an hour in a half, so i text her asking where is she. SHe texts back "can't find tickets". then i call her to ask her waht she means and no answer, she infact dosnt call back at all. just flat out dsont answer the phone for the next 4 hours. I went by her house and she is not home. I get ahold of a freind of mine that lives by her and he tells me that she is dating one of his freinds named **** and I said oh really. I remember her mentioning his name and saying it was a guy she dated back in the summer for like 3 weeks.


SO i get **** number and i call him and i explain we have both been tlaking to the same girl. He has been seeing her for 7 weeks and i have for 4 weeks. We decide she has told us similar excuses adn lies so we decide to go get dinner and talk more aobut it. we are totaly opposite in physical appearence and but similar perosnality. Me and him decide to go to her house and confront her, so since he has a key to her house we just walk in and see her standing there. we confront her as he gives her the key back. She gets upset and tells them to leave but watns me to stay but i drill her and drill her with questoins and making her mad. I expalin that its fine that she sees other peopel since we werent that serious but she never todl me and i had asked her previously and soo did **** and she never told us the truth. I also said once we have sex then u have to kinda come clean cuase i dont want to have sex with someone who is out F ucking other people she is dating. After hours of this she keeps saying she watned to let **** go and blah blah and she jsut has no backbone or confidence thats why she stands us up and cant handle confrontation.. I tell her she is a pussy ahah and needs to stand upfor herself or else she will end up hurting tons of guys more and more by her weird absent minded pathetic no backbone behavior. She blames it on her pasat relationship wiht her fiance and him getting mad at her for little things. (Keep in mind this girl is on antidepressents and sees a therapist). She then says she has one other guy besides me and **** and she started seeing him about 4 weeks ago as well. blah blah. SHe said she will call i said "uhuh ok lets see". but the next day she does call and says she wantd to come clean wiht me about somthing else. that she did not have sex wtih **** but she did with this other guy. SHe said she had sex with him like 2 + weeks ago and she feels like a whore and it just happend and she wont anymore. she siad she dosnt want to have sex with two guy at the same time adn she woudl prefer to just have it wiht me and not this other guy. I personally think i have heard too many lies to believe her now. Please give me some comments and ideas. haah I would love to hear them from all of you

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Get away from this manipulative harlot (it's not everyday I get to use that word!) now. I mean, right now. Other than the occasional genital diddling, there's little good that can come out of this.

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Whatever you see in the beginning, is the way it will be in the future.


Leave her alone, she is not serious about life in general and has no respect for men.

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The best guide to future behaviour is past behaviour, and that doesn't bode well. You should drop this girl and get someone honest.

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