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Is this too babyish?


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Hi, I've known this girl from home for about 10 months, and have had strong feelings for her for just as long. I'm pretty sure she likes me, we went on a brief dating period, nothing serious but a couple dates a week for about a month, then we just stopped for reasons I won't get into, basically I was a moron and felt awkward about rumours I'd heard which she had said herself were lies.


Now here's the problem. I still like her, and (according to her friends) she still likes me. We're at uni now and I really want to ask her out over the vacations, see if anything happens this time. My problem is the holidays are barely three weeks, and I really would like to get to a stage where she would consider me her bf before we go back. Maybe I'm getting my hopes up but I would love to be with her, do you think this is possible?


I've never been in a relationship longer than 6 weeks, so I'm pretty inexperienced to say the least and have never had a relationship talk, so if anyone could suggest any lines to reherse, that would also be appreciated.


Sorry for making you read huge essay :)



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