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Please read and advise! Need to choose if it's worth asking her out.


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Hi, I've known this girl from home for about 10 months, and have had strong feelings for her for just as long. I'm pretty sure she likes me, we went on a brief dating period, nothing serious but a couple dates a week for about a month which were really great fun, then we just stopped for reasons I won't get into, basically I was a moron and felt awkward about rumours I'd heard which she had said herself were lies.


Now here's the problem. I still like her, and (according to her friends) she still likes me. We're at uni now and I really want to ask her out over the vacations, see if anything happens this time. My problem is the holidays are barely three weeks, and I really would like to get to a stage where she would consider me her bf before we go back. Maybe I'm getting my hopes up but I would love to be with her, do you think this is possible?


I've never been in a relationship longer than 6 weeks, so I'm pretty inexperienced to say the least and have never had a relationship talk, so if anyone could suggest any lines to reherse, that would also be appreciated.


Sorry for making you read huge essay :)



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You already have the base of a relationship there... You like her, she likes you, you've dated before... Its all sounding good from my end.


Dont try any lines... Women see straight through them, and if you have to change to get a girl then she isn't the one for you.


Call her now, and try to go on a date before the holidays.


Take her out for a day, not just a meal or coffee.


Let her know how much you like her, but dont come on too strong, tell her you would like to make this a serious/exclusive relationship (maybe after another date or three).



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Call her now, and try to go on a date before the holidays.


I would, except our unis are three hours away and my schedule is completely packed. Although I am going to visit her for a day at uni after my uni breaks up.


Let her know how much you like her, but dont come on too strong, tell her you would like to make this a serious/exclusive relationship (maybe after another date or three).


See, that's the problem. When I meant lines, I didn't mean cheesy one liners ("If I were to rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you and I together"... *BANG* etc), I just wouldn't know how to say how much I like her without sounding completely wet and teenage-girly. Any ideas?



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