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Back on the scene after 6yrs need pointers


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I am a woman in my early 20's and up until a few weeks ago I was with the same guy since I was 16 (with the exception of a few short breakups).


Well like I said, we broke up a little over a month ago. I was the one who broke it off because we never spent any quality time together. Actually our relationship had been that way since about 1 year in....hence the previous breakups but I kept on going back. This time I know I'm done for good. I'm ready to find someone who is going to treat me good. I know that part of the reason my past relationship went the way it did is because I failed to put my foot down early on.


So the reason I need some advice is I just met someone new who I really like but I dont know the first thing about the "rules of dating" anymore. I mean I have some idea of how things should go but like I said I was 16 the last time I started dating someone. So here are the things I would like to know:


1. Should you let the guy do all of the calling? This guy has told me to call him a couple of times but I always wait for him to call me instead because I don't want to look too eager.


2. What is an average rule of how things should progress in the love department? I have known this guy for a couple of weeks and so far we have kissed and gotten a little touchy but I always make sure things stop before it gets too far. I would'nt even think of having sex with him until I was actually his girlfriend but is there anything wrong with kissing and touching a little if your not an actual couple? I know that might sound a little crazy but like I said it has been so long for me.


Any of your input would be a great help. Thanks!!

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