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I want her back so much


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So i meet this Girl more then 2 years ago. When we first meet we would only text each other on our cell phones because she was a friends girlfriends but i didnt really considered him a freind he was more of some one who follows your group arround type of guy. Amazing girl dont know how he ended up with her so me and her become best friends she dumps him goes out with me dumps the same day and gets back with him like in 3 days. she goes out with him for like 2 more weeks reliazes it wont work between ends it. me and her become really close friends we make out she let me played with her ponnami let me see her thongs. We stayed freinds like this for like two months before we went out. Omg when where first got together omg it was so amazing. After year of going out we start to fool around she likes giving me head and i dont mind having my face between her legs and she lets me hit her in ass and then the first time we had sex wow i knew she was the one. So anyways we start having sex alot because she really likes being all over me and my dick. She starts going to same school as me meets some guy. When she meet him i was not to happy. she started to wanted to go see him at work when she was with me and would talk about him alot. so a few months go by she moves out we start having sex alot more and then the last time we saw each other before we broke up i went to her house and i saw she was going to leave so out of hope i had sex with her because she really liked and i though it could save our relationship. She dumps a fee days later. I was no big she stills love me she still comes over we hang out she cuddles with me on my bed but she starts hanging out with and old friend they end up going out now im devistated but to bad cause she still acts the same around me and she dumps him tow weeks later becuase she didnt feel anything for him. Me and her still having alot of feelings for each other she says i have a chance someday but now cause i made her feel like i used her for sex. i told her that i didnt like having sex that much i did it for her and she couldn't belive i would do that for her. i let her know i feel about her and she says i cant believe you would ever say that. so we keep being freinds and we get really sad when call each other. so we went on a break without talking for a week a living hell call her back that sunday to find out the guy she meet at school which is her best friend she migth go out with him and how she really likes him and this and that and how he is kinda living with her. so the next day they start to go out. ****. Im really sad going what could she see in him and not me our anniversy was last thursday which would have been to years and they start going out on tuesday. so we talk and were friends but she says she really liks him and feels uncomfortable with me telling her that i love her and this that and how i think about her me in future. So i lie to make her happy i said i was over her she was kinda happy two days later i tell her the truth im not she kinda got mad at me for lying to her. Today we got in a big ol argument about how she treats him diffrently and she said i shouldnt complaint because i was tradted like a god by her. I also lied to her today about me having a date to make her jealous she said she ddint cared i sent her a text saying dont say that you do care she replied im happy for you and i do care. ..... Everyone tells me she cant decide what she wants rigth now , i should try some else but i dont want to my heart belongs to her always will... do you think me and her have a chance of ever getting back together?...I havent seen her in almost three weeks this thurs. ... when se started to go out with guy after me she gave me a friendship ring and she has one too and i told her someday this will be replace by a promise ring then a engagament ring then a our wedding ring and she say yes i want that .. she told she wants to be the mom of my kids ... but rigth it seems like shes not interested in me alot... her new boyfriend thinks she is cheating on him with me or with some else so he reads every msg i send her he doesnt want her to see me and he tests her .. he also has emotially abuse her i can tell she is scared .....so do you think we have another chance ???? What can i do???

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Ok first..woah. Too much detail, in one huge massive paragraph that was very difficult to read. Next time please use paragraphs, they do wonders.


Second, Are you in high school?

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Ok first..woah. Too much detail, in one huge massive paragraph that was very difficult to read. Next time please use paragraphs, they do wonders.


Second, Are you in high school?


ya try spliting it up a bit, it would help


..are you basically saying what happened to you is what happened to the last guy?


as in he was goin out with her, u came along and took her, now someone else came along and took her?

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