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through high school there was this great looking guy. he was a football player. had big muscles, was popular, and everything, but i heard that he was conceited. hes not the type to ignore you. hes nice to everyone. anyways i never went up to talk to him because i didnt know him. besides i never had that problem. all the guys that i wanted to talk to me always ended up talking to me when i wanted it. im not the type to approach a guy, but it doesnt mean i dont do a little flirting on the side. back to the subject, i was always waiting for him to talk to me and making it obvious that i wanted him to approach me. he graduated and never talked to me. not even a word. now that we see each other at the gym and i ignore him. he finally comes up to me and asks me whats up like he knows me. i was glad that it happened but whats going on here? now hes flirting with me. ive asked friends and one says that maybe through out high school he had to keep up with his reputation of being popular and now that he is out of school he feels he still needs to do that even more cus now he wont see anyone. thats what my friend thinks but from what she has heard from me. she doesnt know him. they worked at a same store once but they never spoke to each other only a "hey". can you tell me whats going on here?

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You are looking into this way too deep. I doubt anything is going on here. Maybe he had a girlfriend in high school. Maybe he was interested in someone else. Maybe he just wasn't interested in you. Or maybe, even though he was popular and all, he was just shy about approaching you before.


And now when he sees you and says hi, maybe he's trying to be friendly because he remembers you from high school, even though you two never spoke then. Or maybe he's become interested in you now.


After I graduated high school, I saw A LOT of people in my area (at grocery stores/malls/banks/gym/college) that went to high school with me. In high school, we didn't know each other or speak to each other. But now when I see them, we usually exchange hi's because we recognize one another from school, or we're being friendly. No big deal.

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It seems abundantly clear by all the details that this guy wants to marry her.


Since she is probably one of the few girls who hasn't slobbered all over him in the past, it's likely he's very curious about this and she presents a challenge for him he has not yet conquered.


Now she's either got to marry him, just be friendly, or continue ignoring him.


Come to think of it, she can marry him and ignore him too...you know, like most married couples.

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