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Female Masturbation Creating Head Pain?

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Everytime i masturbate.. well i usually rub myself to orgasm..... but i push so hard sometimes my head...and just on the back left side will start to pulse and it hurts so much.. it doesn't feel like a headache.. it just pulsates ... and it lasts for like 5-10 minutes....what is going on.. has this happened to anyone else? It happens almost everytime... Im afrai dto tell someone about it.. becuz its well embaressing... Anyone have answers?

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I thought your topic was going to be about a guy who's 'head' hurts because his gf masturbates all the time instead of having sex! :)


I would go see a doctor, and just tell them that you are getting headaches when you "exercise" ;)


...or stop masturbating :)

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I would suggest that if it keeps up, then maybe talking with your doc about it. Its possible you're either trying to hard to acheive orgasm or when you have one its very very intense. But since I'm no doc you might want to ask yours.





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Could be the rise in blood pressure. I know someone who got similar results from sex, went to the doctor and found this.


Best to go to a doctor though. Don't be embarrassed - they hear worse on a daily basis.

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I agree with all the other replys go to the dr to be on the safe side.. my friend says when she would have sex with her h before her surgery to have a orgasm would make her sick they found a cyst on her uterus and ovaries .. Don't think it has anything to do with it.. I was just telling about her .. she now doesn't feel this way ..

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Bingo; I agree with Outcast. It sounds like you may be holding your breath a little too long. I read some people hold it on purpose to achieve awesome orgasms. Some just do it unconsciously.

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I thought this was gonna be another goldpile thread...anyway breathe girl breathe, I used to do this too , forget to breathe , and got little spots before my eyes .

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The head is filled with lots of blood vessels (hense the tension and weather headaches people get) so it is possible that the blood is rushing to your head, the holding your breath just makes it worse.


I know at times I have had those "pounds" in my head. I figured it was just part of the build up and excitement of the orgasm and afterwards...Throbbing.

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I have heard of this before. When the female form is not exposed to amounts of male semen during arousal periods the brain expresses it's need for said fluid by causing a pain reaction.


I would need to analyze to be 100% sure however. Saturday ok with you?

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