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Really Confused,, Need Help

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HI Everybody.


I have been reading few posts here, and really got the point that even if the ppl dont get there problems solved it helps them taking out of their heart which is bleeding. Anyhow Heres my version of my love story.


I met this girl on internet. She was a Singaporean , and I lived in KualaLumpur. Basically I am from Pakistan, working with a foreign mission, and she was a chinese singaporean. We happen to like each other very much, we exchanged chats for about a month or so. She had some problem with her ex, and has just finished. I made her feel more comfortable, during this time of stress, and dont know when i fell in love with her. I expressed my feelings for her, and first she acted rather surprising, as it was a surprising. Falling in love withe a girl, whome you just seen only in pics, not in real. Anyhow, we also started exchanging phone calls, and talked for hours. She really generated interest in me. I wanted to come to singapore to meet, her but due to some job problems couldnt. So she came upto to KL, to meet me, and we did met. Just two adays ago we got so much intimate that we even had phone sex, and in that state she told me that she does feel the same for me. When we met, and saw her for the first time, She just gave me a hug and a great sexy kiss on my lips. We stayed together all day, kissing and hugging, even in the public, and later I asked her to come to my place, which she did, and we had sex at my place even on our first date. She was really worried about it, but later took it bit easier. She called me every other morning to tell my how much she loved me. But something just happened, just stopped calling me in the mornings, and when i asked what happened, she just started giving me reasons. I could never get her interest back after that. She even ignored me on chats, and much happened after that. I asked her that if she didnt liked me by my appearance, as I am not a goodlooking person, but she said it doesnt matter. I am pretty confused what suddenly have happened to her, and what gone wrong. Can somebody tell me pls. Why someone just ceases loving at once. I have even tried to spoke to her many times, but she only could give me lame excuses. NOthing else. Can somebody help me with he problem. ?



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Hi Confused :(


I am sorry for your pain and I completely understand how you feel. I dated a guy for 8 years and he suddenly stopped loving me after this time as well. For an entire two weeks I searched for answers as to why he broke up with me and finally when he called to talk, it came out that he had begun liking someone else. In all honestly, I can't tell you that is what is going on here but it sounds vaguely like maybe she is confused herself about what she wants and the distance in your relationship may play a big role there. I've never had an online relationship so I don't know a lot about that but a long distance relationship has a lot more pressure on the couple than any regular relationship. It's hard to tell, but maybe she didn't feel the way she thought she did or something may have happened like meeting someone around where she lives. I hate to tell you this because I know how heart breaking that can be. Be kind to yourself and don't sell yourself short. I think everybody is attractive in one way or another and you shouldn't put yourself down over something like this. The truth is I think this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her. So stop blaming yourself and start focusing on you not her. If you think that your life is not the way that you want it then use this as motivation to get up and start making changes that you want. You say you feel unattractive, well, here's an opportunity to take time that you have invested in this relationship and look inside yourself to change this. I think you are probably attractive and you just need to find it within yourself. Remember what they say about feeling ugly on the inside. If you really think you are unattractive then do something to better yourself. There are lots of ways and things you can do to feel better or more positive about yourself. I hope this helps and if not then I am sorry for your pain.

HI Everybody. I have been reading few posts here, and really got the point that even if the ppl dont get there problems solved it helps them taking out of their heart which is bleeding. Anyhow Heres my version of my love story. I met this girl on internet. She was a Singaporean , and I lived in KualaLumpur. Basically I am from Pakistan, working with a foreign mission, and she was a chinese singaporean. We happen to like each other very much, we exchanged chats for about a month or so. She had some problem with her ex, and has just finished. I made her feel more comfortable, during this time of stress, and dont know when i fell in love with her. I expressed my feelings for her, and first she acted rather surprising, as it was a surprising. Falling in love withe a girl, whome you just seen only in pics, not in real. Anyhow, we also started exchanging phone calls, and talked for hours. She really generated interest in me. I wanted to come to singapore to meet, her but due to some job problems couldnt. So she came upto to KL, to meet me, and we did met. Just two adays ago we got so much intimate that we even had phone sex, and in that state she told me that she does feel the same for me. When we met, and saw her for the first time, She just gave me a hug and a great sexy kiss on my lips. We stayed together all day, kissing and hugging, even in the public, and later I asked her to come to my place, which she did, and we had sex at my place even on our first date. She was really worried about it, but later took it bit easier. She called me every other morning to tell my how much she loved me. But something just happened, just stopped calling me in the mornings, and when i asked what happened, she just started giving me reasons. I could never get her interest back after that. She even ignored me on chats, and much happened after that. I asked her that if she didnt liked me by my appearance, as I am not a goodlooking person, but she said it doesnt matter. I am pretty confused what suddenly have happened to her, and what gone wrong. Can somebody tell me pls. Why someone just ceases loving at once. I have even tried to spoke to her many times, but she only could give me lame excuses. NOthing else. Can somebody help me with he problem. ? Hopless
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