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Resisting the urge

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As you may have noticed in my other posts, my sex life is less than adequate. The combination of this and the hottie working in the garage is killing me. I work at the front desk and it's no suprise that men flirt with me but this co-worker is all but asking for it! And damn if he isn't one firm young man! ARGH!!!!!!


I love my fiance and I don't want to hurt him so I don't act on my urges or respond to the invitations I get. I could never hurt him. So, I leave the garage hottie to my fantasies and pray that I get some when I get home.


What gets the rest of you through the tough times when you're tempted?

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Temptation can be an evil thing!! Do not act on it keep the garage man as a fanasty and save it for when you get home and throw your man some hot loving !! He will want it more lol!! Why is it that you get sex rarely ?

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I don't know why! He says I have an unreasonable sex drive because I want it more than 2-3 times a week. I would be happy with the frequency if it was actually satisfying when I DO get it! He just doesn't seem to want to put out the effort.


I don't get it! He's only 28! I'm attractive, he loves me, I'm talented in the sack..... he's just not into it.

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I know u love him and all but if he is your fiance you will be committed to him only if you marry are you ready to settle for someone that is ok in the sack and is too lazy to try not me!! That is lifetime when you take vows unless you go outside the marriage and that is cheating!!

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You do not have an unreasonable sex drive. Do you how many men would love to get it at least 2-3 times a week and don't. Yet he is the opposite here, hes the one not wanting it that much. At 28 years old it shouldn't be like that.


So when you have asked him about this, he just says to you that its unreasonable for YOU to want sex 2-3 times a week? He doesn't give an actual answer to your question then. Hes trying to make you feel bad for what it is you would like. This is just MO but here it goes, could be several things here. Either he is depressed for some reason causing the libido to decline, some kind of medical, psyhcological thing going on his not telling you, or he feels guilty from something hes doing, which can decrese the sex drive as well, depending on what it is. Not saying any of that may be the case, but its possible.





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I think you need to rethink this situation are you ok with him being ok in the bed!! I wouldn't want to settle .. But that is your decision noone can you tell you what to do all we can do is give advice.. I know there is more to a relationship than just sex but you will be with the person for the rest of your life ask yourself is this the person you love and want to be with and you are ok with the not so good sex !! good luck

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