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Remember me? "Should i date him or not?"

Confused Heart

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Confused Heart

Hey guys remember me? Well whoever does i recently wrote an email to john to say hi and long time no see and how i missed him.


Well, with my internet service, you can check the status of mail you've sent like whether the person has read it or not. Well i checked and he did but he hasnt answered back and he always did like within a second of receiving mail from me. Then i got online the next day and he was on my buddy list, but not even a second had passed by and he had already signed off or probably blocked me :(


I dont know what to do, it's all my fault and i really miss him and i'm afraid i might lose him or something, what if he went back to jill to try and like her! i'm overreacting, i know, but should i write back again even though i might look desperate or should i wait or should i just let it go tohugh thats so against my heart's choice. idont know what to do, help please, and thank you soooo much

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He is trying to pretend you don't exist. He is trying to avoid you. I think you need to do the same thing regarding him.


A guy who blocks your instant messages or who signs offline the minute you get on...a guy who doesn't answer your Email quickly as he used to...is a guy who is truly trying to keep his distance from you. You must respect this as a part of life and move on with yours.


Sure, it's painful as hell. But as you gather strength from these kinds of experiences, you'll gain a power that will give you a heads up in life. Love is a strange bird and behaves oddly. Unless you learn to go with its ebb and flow, it will eat you up...inside and out.


I know it's hard to watch him try to avoid you...and watch him not answer your Email, but a non-answer is a MAJOR ANSWER. Not answering an Email sends more of a message than anything he could ever write. He is embarassed, he wants to move on, he wants no contact, he wants to forget for now, he doesn't want to face you, etc. Just pay attention to these unwritten messages and stay out of his face.


When he doesn't hear from you for a while, I promise you will hear from him. And when you do, what in the world would you want to tell him??? Why do you even want to talk to him??? He's a jerk!!! Don't you think you deserve better than that.


By the way, I like America Online too.

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Confused Heart
Thanks for the advice, i dunno right now i'm online and he's still there but not imimg me i'll just wait it out and tell u if he does or not, anyways, thanks a lot tony, you're really helping me out here, you're good, i mean really good, anyways, turns out he's telling a friend of mine that he doesnt wanna know what to do cuz i'm not Iming me and doesnt know if he should IM me........we'll work it out though, anyways, you dont have to write back i just wanted to say thanx for making this site or coming to it and answering it , I've recommended it to all my friends. Thanx


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