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my bf broke up with me, because he is in love with somebody


whom he met on holiday. we had been 3,1/2j together, day and night helping and loving each other. we just built up a very nice and luxury life. we start with 0 and have enough now after 3j. right now, we have to enjoy, eat the cream, but the reality he left me, because he has a feeling with another girl and he wants to spent with her. I have no idea, how to start everything, i thought he will be back after he visit her 1 or 2 or 3 time back, but now he is since one month with her and very intensive. my question is it really possible to leave your 3 and 1/2j girl, for somebody else whom you just met on holiday??? Or he is with her now because he is afraid i will never let him in my life again??? i just set him free, i never call or write, or say anything. i'm just friendly with him, i talk anything with him, but not about us.....so what do u think???

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You need not get too analytical about why he did this or why he continues to do see this other lady. The fact is he doesn't particularly care if he's hurting you and he's with someone else.


Get rid of him in your mind, in your heart and move on with your life. This guy has the sense of committment of a worm. You don't need anybody who's going to just dart off when he meets somebody he's attracted to. That can happen many times. That's why we make committments to special people in our lives.


You are doing good not to write or call him. But I don't know if it's such a good idea to be friends with him. I don't think you ought to be friends with him and help him through his guilt about leaving you. Stay away from him entirely for a year...and then, if you want to be friends, give him a call then.


You are so much better off without this guy in your life. If you take him back at some point, he'll only do this to you again.

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