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Are these strange habits? or are they common?

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My new boyfriend and I have just begun to get sexually intimate. He gets really turned on if I suck his nipples and play with his organ. I never had a boyfriend who liked that before so I just wonder if it's common.


Another thing that is really strange is that he is nervous about having oral sex with me because I have so much vaginal secretion when I get aroused that he doesn't want it to go in his mouth. He said he never met a woman who had so much natural lubrication as me. I got upset and told him that I did it to him and made "compromises" to please him and that why shouldn't he do what I love to me. He said he would do it when he was ready.


One more thing I find different is that after he plays with my vagina he washes his hands and when I was showing him how I masturbate he got paranoid that I touched his body with my hand that hadn't been "washed" of my vaginal liquids. Again this upset me and I told him that no other men I had been with were so obsessed with cleanliness. Every time we do things together I always take a bath or shower before so I am very clean!!


Am I making a big deal out of this? Is this normal with most people? Is it wrong for me to feel insulted?

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Of COURSE most guys love it when you play with their "organ", that's definitely NOT uncommon. It's also not at all strange that he gets turned on by you playing with his nipples. Nipples in both men and women have many nerve endings, are very sensitive. I've dated some guys who LOVED having their nipples lightly nibbled/licked/flicked with my tongue...whereas, some were soooo sensitive that it drove them nuts if I did that, to the point of not being pleasurable. Everyone's different.


Now as for the vaginal secretions thing....are you absolutely POSITIVE that you are really very clean down there? Even the slightest foul odor down 'there' can really turn a guy right off. Also, some guys aren't too keen on a huge "bush" (pubic hair)....so many women at least trim it up (some even shave it all). Pubic hair traps odor.....that's a pretty moist, dark place down there.....even if you wipe after peeing, pee still gets in the pubes and can be smelly, particularly in the hot days of summer.


A fishy odor 'down there' can denote infection, like Trichamonas (or is it Chlamydia?)......the first one isn't necessarily sexually transmitted and you should see if your doc if you have any "odor" down there.


Maybe you should just come right out and ask your b/f if there is some kind of 'odor' that's turning him off? Get it all out in the open. Sometimes you just might not be aware, and if you do have some kind of vaginal infection, all the bathing in the world won't make a difference. Ask him.


If there truly is no infection or odor, then maybe he just has a hangup on vaginal secretions? What ages are you both? Has he ever been with other women?


I know I'd be awfully offended and hurt, if after my boyfriend touched me down there, he got up and washed his hands. I'd be pissed, too. That's rude and insensitive (unless of course, there is a bad odor).



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