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dont know what to think

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I dont know if Im reading more into this so please let me know what you think. I have known this guy for almost a year now, I guess you can see in the beginning we were seeing each other. We use to speak everyday bla bla. I havent seen him in 5 months and talk once or twice a week. he knows i like him alot and i believe he likes me. He told me recently that he was seeing someone else, which upset me why I dont know anyway I was away this weekend and hanging out with his friends. and he left me a message on my cell phone saying that he didnt appreciate that I called and left him a message with a whole bunch of guys in the background (I was at a bar) he just thinks that wasent cool. First of all I dont recall doing this, and second for a person who wont give me the time or day, why would this bother him so much if it was true that I did it. (a long story) I mean I was kind of flattered to a point, cause the first thought that came to my head was that he was jealous and he somewhat cared, it gave me hope that he still likes me and has feelings for me??? I dont know what to think

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Why the heck would he be so bothered that you left a msg on his cell? I assume he has voicemail, so it's not like all his friends HEARD the message you left him, right? Something sounds fishy to me. Like maybe he really has a GiRLFRIEND and SHE heard the message and gave him hell? (maybe he's too much of a wuss to tell you he has a girlfriend)?


What do you mean you don't remember leaving a message? Are you saying you know you DIDN'T or are you saying that you might have gotten so drunk that you don't remember doing it?


Lastly, if a guy has such a hissy fit about someone leaving him a harmless msg on their cell phone, I say to hell with them. That's not called for. In fact, that's damn rude. Okay, if you'd called and left him 25 msg's, then I could see him being a dick about it. Based on what you wrote, I think he was out of line and you'd be best to expend your energy and time on a decent guy.



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He wasent mean about it at all, they way he said it was like he was jealous. I was drinking and I remember everything that night except for that. If I did do it he just didnt like the fact that I called him with a bunch of guys yelling in the background. and if he called me while a bunch of girls were in the background I would feel the same way Why the heck would he be so bothered that you left a msg on his cell? I assume he has voicemail, so it's not like all his friends HEARD the message you left him, right? Something sounds fishy to me. Like maybe he really has a GiRLFRIEND and SHE heard the message and gave him hell? (maybe he's too much of a wuss to tell you he has a girlfriend)?


What do you mean you don't remember leaving a message? Are you saying you know you DIDN'T or are you saying that you might have gotten so drunk that you don't remember doing it? Lastly, if a guy has such a hissy fit about someone leaving him a harmless msg on their cell phone, I say to hell with them. That's not called for. In fact, that's damn rude. Okay, if you'd called and left him 25 msg's, then I could see him being a dick about it. Based on what you wrote, I think he was out of line and you'd be best to expend your energy and time on a decent guy. L

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You said you two were seeing each other at the beginning?


So you two have broken up now and you want to get back together with him?

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