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To Laurynn...re: Alesse question

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Hi, thanks for replying to my post 'Alesse' on July 6.


The reason I was asking how long it takes for this pill to be effective is that I trusted the package instructions & have had sex once when I had been on the pill for only 7 days. (should have known better - will now be using back-up method until the first package is finished). But since you mentioned you are an RN, I thought I would ask if you know how long after sex you can still go and get the emergency 'morning after' pill (I think that's what it's called). Is it only 48 hrs. or so? Just want to know if I have this as an option - to be on the safe side....thanks...

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You have up to ** 72 ** hours from the time of intercourse to take the Morning-After Pill(s)....if it's taken after 72 hrs has elapsed, it's too late and no point taking it. So if you're still within this time period, get to your nearest clinic/doctor and get a prescription for it.


NOTE: The Morning-After Pill (MAP) does NOT induce an abortion (this is just general info for anyone reading)..all it does, if taken in time, is prevent IMPLANTATION of the fertilized egg, into the wall of the uterus. It has a fairly high success rate. If it's taken too late or you're one of the few who it won't work for, it will do nothing harmful to the implanted egg/sperm.


I'm sure it's standard procedure, but make sure that when you take the first two pills (you take two specially prescribed Oral Contraceptive pills, then again EXACTLY 12 hours later), make sure to take something to prevent NAUSEA (like Dimenhydrinate (Gravol)...or Dramimine, something like that...whatever you'd commonly use for nausea)....and again when you take the second set of pills 12 hrs later...cuz the most common side effects are nausea/vomiting.


Also, taking this high dose of "The Pill" twice like this, can cause breakthrough bleeding, AND can cause your next period to be delayed (might, might not). Seeing how you're on the Pill already, make sure to ask your doc WHEN you should start your new pack...whether you should start it on schedule OR whether you should wait til you get a regular period and start on Day 5 of your cycle. I say this because I used this MAP once, and I was in the same boat as yourself exactly......and I wasn't sure WHEN to start the new pack of pills. If I recall, my period did come on time. If I also recall, they did tell me to DISCARD the remaining pack of the Pill (in your case, the remaining pack of Alesse).....of course, I had a dipstick for a doctor so you might just want to clarify that with your doc.


You might just want to be safe and discard the remainder of the pack because you don't want TOO much hormones in your body, increases your risk of the risky side effects of the Pill (blood clots, stroke, etc)...particularly if you smoke.....so ask these questions, make sure you get CLEAR answers.


Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, write me at: <e-mail address removed>



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