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hi i hate my weight and dont even were t-shirts because my arms arre really skinny i eat alot now and smoked blow alot but only smoke it like 1 joint a night any tips on how to put more weight on my arms and face are any drugs i should take?are any cetin times to eat i have no idea.

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Are you a man or a woman, If your a woman I could advise you but Men need more calories than women so I wouldnt know about that. You definately have to eat 6 meals a day EVERY DAY without fail.

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I wanna have your problem! I am looking at my beer gut as I'm typing this.

What are the reasons for you wanting to gain weight?

Have you consulted a doctor?

Are you depressed?

I believe that a healthier lifestyle might take care of that problem/

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Start eating higher protein like steak,eggs,ground beef,chicken with carbohydrates like pasta potatoes rice.Also get some weight gainer shakes and mix it with a scoop of ice cream, whole cream and 2% milk before bed.If you are male you could also take a supplement called Creatine and mix it with your shakes.Eat every 2-3 hours and start lifting weights.If you are not worried about too much fat eat lots of pizza and burgers along with the high protein and carbs.If you do this you will gain weight.Oh ya and drink some beers too;)

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are any drugs i should take?are any cetin times to eat i have no idea.


Don't be tempted to do steroids. Only fools do that. Extremely Narcissistic ones at that.


Creatine is great. Some brands are much better than others. Do some research. I take it you must be young? The older you get the more your metabolism will slow down and putting on weight won't be an issue.

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You wanna get big?


1. Stop doing drugs, RIGHT NOW.

2. Do weightlifting

3. Eat more meat, more protein stuff in your diet

4. Sleep

5. Profit

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