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advice pls

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help pls. a close friend came to me with this problem. about two months ago she got fired. she is feeling that she is worthless and falling into depression. she wanted to keep this from her boyfriend and tried to but he found out thru one of her co-workers. she felt that they had just started their relationship and she didn't want him to feel as though he had to foot the bill for her bills. she's very independant.the boyfriend knew all along but went along with the lie until she came out and told him. her boyfriend loves and respects her. he understands and helps her with everything but she feels that to be in a relationship what you expect from your man you should be able to give also. she doesn't want to always have her hand out asking for this and that. she wants to break up with him. she feels that she should get herself together get a job and then try to make a relationship work. basically she wants to be by herself. help what do i tell her.

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Relationships are for good times and bad times. When someone is down and unemployed, this is no time for heavy depression...it's time to go look for a job. This is a time when two people stick together, lend support and work towards each other's lives getting better.


If your girlfriend is going to leave her guy everytime things get tough for her, she will be a very poor partner for anybody, undependable, and her partner will never have any sense of security with her.


Tell her to pick herself up, walk proudly, and spend some time looking for work. Meanwhile, she should accept the help of her boyfriend, do whatever she is able to contribute to the relationship in non-monetary ways, and move forward.


Once she's on her feet again, she can show her guy how grateful she is by being an even greater and more loyal partner. Life isn't easy. That's why going through it is so much better with a partner or mate.

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