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Why the hell do some women just hate other women?

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It's not 'humourous' to insult and degrade people you disagree with. It's just juvenile.

this is sorta the pot calling the kettle black cause you've done your fair share of ripping into others also...get off you soap box plz. :)

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I guess everybody is getting a head start and practising for Thanksgiving Weekend dysfunction family dinners eh??? :laugh::p


Some people are nice, some aren't. Doesn't matter which gender it is.


I know some really nice and friendly women, and I also know some nasty ones. I know who I am and if someone is bitchy to me, I figure they're having a bad day, or are a miserable person in general so that is why they get grumpyassed and pissy.


Sometimes ego makes one react, sometimes it truely is PMS. But, then there are some who really are b!tches.


Women: Have you ever held a door open for another woman? In my experience, most have said, Thankyou. I always say, anytime! And smile. Afew times they didn't say a word - No big deal. Now - A b!tch would say, "YOU'RE WELCOME" with a tone. To make a point! Agree?


I also think that some women out there feel the need to compete with other women because of either ego or an insecurity. I personally think most do it to make themselves feel better.


I'm scattered today so don't mind me.


OK, now I really need to go back and read this thread...Kinda getting interesting reading afew posts...;)

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There's still a lot of pressure on women to be kind-hearted and sensitive - and certainly most women I'm friends with are, by and large, those things. I think when people are like that, others have higher overall expectations of their behaviour...so when a kind, gentle woman turns round and dishes someone else's "refreshing honesty" (rudeness) back at them, it causes more offence and ruffled feathers.


As to women who are fond of letting it be known that they prefer the company of men to that of other women...from what I've seen that "Maggie Thatcher syndrome" often seems to stem from that particular woman projecting her own bitchy or competitive tendencies onto the remainder of her gender.

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Actually I know two self proclaimed southern belles...... one


I just keep reading that as "southern bellies" - which conjures up an image of a large tummy losing the battle against gravity.


Does this mean I'm a bitch? I'm never quite sure if I'm one or not.

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I've had some experience with this lately. I don't know what it is, but the last few months guys have started noticing me a lot more. The problem is...my female friends have noticed guys have started noticing. I'm not just imagining it, they definitely don't invite me out with them as much anymore. And when I am invited, it seems like it's when they're doing stuff like sitting around and talking (i.e. not when they're looking for men). Wish I had more male friends--I generally like them more than my female friends anyway because of a lot of the aforementioned stuff in this thread. But I've always been kind of shy around guys and it seems they always think you're hitting on them or something if you're just being friendly.

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As to women who are fond of letting it be known that they prefer the company of men to that of other women...from what I've seen that "Maggie Thatcher syndrome" often seems to stem from that particular woman projecting her own bitchy or competitive tendencies onto the remainder of her gender.



Lindya you may have a point with this....

I so wish I could find female friends that are more interested in doing the things I enjoy. I have one dear dear friend who is there in thick or thin. She has been there for me to bounce ideas off and vice versa. We have worked hard together on many projects. I respect her and would do anything for her.

It is unfortunate that I can not find more women like this to spend time with. I think many do not hold the same interests or enjoy the things I do.

That leads me to hang out with the fellers more often.


I often wonder because I do hang out on the deck with the guys instead of the kitchen, if the "kitchen ladies" think I am being snobbish or rejecting them. I simply am not interested in the discussion of kids, kids things, or the latest on a new diet. Nothing wrong with that if that is what youre into...... just not my cup of tea. Most likely they are a tad worried because I am out on the deck laughing our asses off with their husbands or SOs? The last thing on my mind is snatching up one of these men for my own use. I would never do that....... never have....... never will.


I am wondering if they are projecting their own "man stealing" personalities

onto those women that hang out with the guys?



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Does this mean I'm a bitch? I'm never quite sure if I'm one or not.


Depends... would you like to be a bitch? ;)

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Depends... would you like to be a bitch? ;)


Do you get a T-shirt or nifty key fob? If so sign me up! :D



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Do you get a T-shirt?


It's a very tight T-shirt, bearing the legend "watch the breasts - they'll distract you from my character"

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It's a very tight T-shirt, bearing the legend "watch the breasts - they'll distract you from my character"


I love it!!! It would sell like crazy!! :lmao:


I had one that said "be nice to boobs, they out number people two to one"


Now you just need a key fob that makes catty remarks when you push the button on it:





Size 5? My ass you are.

Your boyfriend wants me

Your house looks like crap

My kids are better than your kids

Those are not real!


This stuff would probably sell.... may as well just start a BIOTCH club and flaunt it...... if it has not been done already!



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Shredding someone's bad logic is not the same as a personal attack. The one is about debating; the other about being mean and vicious.

who's gonna define "bad logic". Maybe it is bad login in your opinion. And maybe someone just doesn't gave "good logic"?? so you are gonna attack them for that? So if someone does not agree with you then their logic is flawed or "bad"?

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I had one that said "be nice to boobs, they out number people two to one"


People? :o


Surely there should be roughly the same number of boobs as people... maybe they outnumber *women* 2 to 1....


In fact, less boobs than people, since girls below a certain age don't have them either.


I'm gonna form a "Pedants anonymous" chapter with Outcast :D

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who's gonna define "bad logic". Maybe it is bad login in your opinion. And maybe someone just doesn't gave "good logic"?? so you are gonna attack them for that? So if someone does not agree with you then their logic is flawed or "bad"?


Why yes! But it is not an attack if you tell the person that they are not intelligent, do not know the facts, or say the person is uneducated. Or say a bad person without good character. You can wriggle right out of the "personal attacker" label by doing this.


However you must structure your sentence to read a tad more like this:


A person like that would obviously not be aware of true facts, is uneducated, lacks compassion, and is not of good character.


Chucking out a sentence like : you are a dumbass, uncaring bastard, without a clue. Would be a personal attack.


Can you see the difference?


Don't forget to use proper grammer and punctuation...... there will be a test later this week :lmao:


Take notes and be prepared to review those notes. You should consider each post with respect and consider it of the utmost importance in your life.


Hope these tips helped Alpha...... :D

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People? :o


Surely there should be roughly the same number of boobs as people... maybe they outnumber *women* 2 to 1....


In fact, less boobs than people, since girls below a certain age don't have them either.



men have boobies too! They are just different...... but still fun for nibblin'!



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Chucking out a sentence like : you are a dumbass, uncaring bastard, without a clue. Would be a personal attack.


How about "total loser?" Does that count too? :rolleyes:


Of course... the post that mentioned that has been deleted... spineless as usual... if yer gonna say something then at least have the balls to stick by it instead of erasing it. A *real* man with *real* nuts sticks with his word and doesn't back down. :D

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However you must structure your sentence to read a tad more like this:


A person like that would obviously not be aware of true facts, is uneducated, lacks compassion, and is not of good character.

hmm...interesting...so one must utilze "tact"?


Chucking out a sentence like : you are a dumbass, uncaring bastard, without a clue. Would be a personal attack.


Can you see the difference?



Hope these tips helped Alpha...... :D

they have, thanx :)

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How about "total loser?" Does that count too? :rolleyes:



Well that depends of course .....sentence structure/content again:


Only a total loser could think that way. = NOT AN ATTACK


You are a total loser! = That would be an attack.


And why the hell are their people singing X-mas songs on TV already....... it is not even friggin Thanksgiving yet!



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Only a total loser could think that way. = NOT AN ATTACK


You are a total loser! = That would be an attack.


Hmmm, I find it difficult not to think that this is just semantics.


You are a total loser = an open attack

Only a total loser would think that way = a passive-aggressive attack, IMO

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Hmmm, I find it difficult not to think that this is just semantics.


You are a total loser = an open attack

Only a total loser would think that way = a passive-aggressive attack, IMO



Romeo you are correct IMHO.. I did not set the standards for this but just following rules set by others..:D ... I myself am in training. PA is allowed apparently. I am learning to communicate with the natives


and semantics??..... what does this have to do with religion? :lmao:



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I am learning to communicate with the natives


Just wait till we invite you to a traditional celebration :bunny:

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Just wait till we invite you to a traditional celebration :bunny:



I would happily join you..... just don't expect me to hang out in the kitchen with the chicks! :lmao:



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just don't expect me to hang out in the kitchen with the chicks! :lmao:


But who will cook the traditional donkey burgers? :confused:

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But who will cook the traditional donkey burgers? :confused:



Ass burgers, :lmao: and crispy kitten fingers. Yummmy!


I think one of those southern belles may be better suited to cooking ass burgers than I would be. Donkey giblets just gross me out! :sick:



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