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how to get wife to come back home

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my wife left the children and i over a month ago she yet has to return, we speak on a daily basis sometimes we fight sometimes not, the reason she leaft is because she says i abused her verbally , i told her she was lazy and fat also i accused her of cheating ........................................ i did not mean to hurt her in any way, she also never said anything she was always quiet

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Why would you want her back if she is a fat, lazy cheater???


You say you didn't mean to hurt her, just what was your intention???


You say she was quiet and didn't say anything, well, what could she say? If she would have said anything you would have just berated her worse.


I think she should stay where she is cause obviously, YOU DON'T GET IT!!

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Why would you want her back if she is a fat, lazy cheater???

My question exactly. Do you still see the kids?

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, i told her she was lazy and fat also i accused her of cheating ........................................ i did not mean to hurt her in any way, she also never said anything she was always quiet


Apparently you did mean to hurt her by saying this..


go to counseling.. maybe she will want to try again.. although I'm sure there is more to it then you just calling her fat and lazy and accusing her.

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I was verble also.


Take this time and find yourself. Do some reflection for you.

Try and find out why you were so verble.


When you talk, "Don't argrue!"

I urge you to mend what you've done to her.

I'm sure there's 2 sides to this. I'm sure you can come up with a reason why you called her names and the such...There really is no excuse for the abuse

though. I know this first hand. My wife left 2 months ago. We are just now realizing how hard it is to talk things out in a structured manner. Getting better though. Practice this.


Look at yourself during this time. Don't worry about what she has done.

Look and heal yourself.

Seek councile if you need to.

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