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Brother problems! Help!!!


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Hello everyone, I just found this site and decided to drop in and check it out!


Here is my problem,


I am 17 years old, and I have a brother who is 11 years old, many people usually tell me that kids at a young age enjoy annoying others and spending time with their older brother's. In my case however, my brother has absolutely no respect for me. He always gets his way in life. My brother mostly argues with me about video games, (I think that it is the games that make him lose the respect for the elders)telling me that he wants to play and that I should let him or else he will tell the parents. Once I try telling my parents about this, we always end up arguing because of my brother. I am sick and tired of taking **** from my brother. As an older brother, I try to teach my brother a thing or two about life and details by having a peaceful conversation with him. My brother usually does not agree with what I tell him, and as usual get's his way. I talk to my parents every day about this problem, all they could tell me is, he will grow up to be smarter and will soon lose this habit of his. The biggest thing my parents might do about this is they might punish him for not respecting me. He would then show me some respect for a day and then forget the conversation we had with him, and go back to the usual self.


I have no clue of what to do next. please help!


P.S sorry if I made any mistakes in my spelling or grammer, I am somewhat new to the States.

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Same here mate, Im 20 years old and i have a 11 year old brother same age your's, my family has a go at me cuz of him like im a 6 year old kid and it is annoying i understand, bus his head :p thats what i do and he acts good for some hours, then the same stuff over again!:p

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When my brother and I were younger, we used to argue like you and your brother do. They say "kids will be kids" but I used to believe that our fighting was more extensive than that. I think it is difficult sometimes to get along with someone who lives with you, and if your brother is at the peak of adolescence, that can only escalate the problem with sibling rivalry. Immaturity and inability to solve problems rationally and talk things out can cause problems with your brother. Mine is two years younger than me, and once when we were little he threw a padlock at my head because we got in an argument about him moving his feet out from under the chair I was sitting in. The padlock missed and put a hole in the wall behind me. I would sit up in my room crying and crying because I thought things could never get better between us. My mom wanted to send us to a counselor to deal with our problems in other ways. Now that we are grown up, we get along better than ever. Just remember that every argument has two sides, try to reason with him and imagine yourself in his shoes. If that doesn't work and there is still a problem, try getting out of the house for a while. Do you have your license? Go out with a friend for a while and talk; have fun, and you will feel better. And always remember every cloud has a silver lining. Getting there is hard, but family and a sense of love and belonging is the most important thing in life. Hope I could help you. Sorry so long!

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He's only 11. He's not going to think like you or act like you for a while. You have to keep remembering that he's still just a kid and not let what he does get to you.

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