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what do u guys think?

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I don't ever come to these type of sites, but somethings been bugging me. I asked this girl out who used to have a crush on me. I guess she only thought I was asking her to hangout or something b/c she didn't know that I was asking her out for awhile.


Anyways, like I said she used to have a crush on me and I thought that she probably still did. But when she found out that I asked her out she just kind of avoided me. She'd look at me and when we'd make eye contact she'd look away really fast. Now, she looks at me in the halls sometimes and looks away as soon as I make eye contact w/ her.


Sometimes it seems like she is trying to completely ignore me. But I've been seeing her looking at me out of the corner of my eye a few times in the halls and sometimes during class. I don't know, do you guys think she still likes me? It's just kind of been bugging me lately...


thanks in advanced

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I asked her out to the movies. I pretty much said " If u aren't doing friday would u wanna go see a movie with me?" I found out a few days after we went to see a movie that she was going out with another guy, I wasn't that happy so I just told her that I was asking her out....

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if you think she had a crush on you, you may be right, so she is now assessing if you are genuine or not. She was waiting before and nothing happened so she had to think, do I keep liking this guy or go out with someone else...and she decided that going out with someone else was a better option. But it sounds like she might still be interested in you, so you will just have to give her time and be very very nice to her until you get the green light.


Good Luck

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